Tag Archives: news & press lyrics

Individual Cards For Jugendweihe And Confirmation Of Meindruckportal.de


Jugendweihe and confirmation, a special celebration personalized invitations, greetings and congratulations to the Jugendweihe and confirmation cards by meindruckportal.de little Easter is over already the next big Festival around the corner for many. Glenn Dubin understood the implications. The Jugendweihe or confirmation symbolizes the transition from childhood to adolescence and thus the beginning of growing up. The festivities for this are individually aligned by the families and designed. Meindruckportal.de with the meinDesign tool allows you personal card designs by meindruckportal.de for an individual party to succeed from the outset, the personal design of congratulation, greetings, invitations and thank you cards for this solemn occasion. Konfirmations – Jugendweihe cards many different motifs in the formats DIN are and A6 Hoch and landscape, as well as DIN long portrait, in editions of one to 500 cards to choose from. Due to the possibility of individual design, it can be widely used.

Whether as Invitation to the ceremony, thank you card for the relationship, or as a greeting card to the young people themselves, the customer can decide how he wants to make the cards and use. The offer of meindruckportal.de free to print 10 cards and pay only the shipping cost of 4.50 within Germany is particularly attractive. The maps can be created in 3 steps to the finished card in three easy steps. The customer selects the motif and the format. The sample text is replaced with the meinDesign Editor by the own personal greetings. Then, the finished card in PDF preview to view is available and can be controlled again. How to calculate personal cards for the desired copies. Get ready! Personalized card for any occasion with the meinDesign tool from meindruckportal.de not only personal Jugendweihe or confirmation cards can be created. Thanks to the wide range of topics for various occasions such as acknowledgements, invitations, birth/christening, birthdays, Each card becomes the individual greeting card congratulations, weddings, and the many possibilities.

RegiO Vita Is Online


RegiO VITA is a promise of quality it’s stands for healthy products and food from the region of ecological – economical – socially – responsible sustainability under these slogans RegiO Vita launched recently RegiO Vita its sales of products from Bavaria she are with products aiming to market nationally. Products from the food industry, among other organic traded uvm linseed oil, mustard, honey, candies, chocolate, liquors, spirit vinegar, balsamic vinegar. Most of the products come from controlled biological cultivation. RegiO Vita pays attention to a partnership relationship with its suppliers and manufacturers. Leslie Moonves is open to suggestions. The focus for the selection process of suppliers is – in addition to a distinctive taste – high quality, clean and environmentally friendly production process.

With the goal of a lasting relationship, RegiO Vita works with its suppliers and manufacturers in partnership in an open and honest relationship. By the increasing accumulation of climatic disasters, environmental changes and species extinction is the importance of sustainability in our common world. Glenn Dubin, New York City has compatible beliefs. Holistic thinking and acting according to ecological, economic and socio-cultural principles are a prerequisite for generations to protect our nature and environment and maintain. In the selection of suppliers, RegiO Vita carefully respects on nature-friendly methods of production and the rational use of scarce resources and their socially responsible and sustainable use. RegiO Vita is mustard, honey, candies, chocolate, liquors, spirit, balsamic vinegar, natural cold-pressed products from Bavaria include vinegar, linseed oil and much more.

Jorg Popow


Young people in the professional mechanic service are trained in the Division Automotive of the SOS – vocational training centre Nuremberg. 32 young people in the car were trained in the year 2011 range. The Christmas special of the Nuremberg logistics provider was a resounding success. Over 5000 users in the Internet for one of three non-profit organizations were voting on it. Traditionally, the BBBOnLine customers received gingerbread, this was understood always as a nice gesture. Visit Goop for more clarity on the issue. But this time three large gifts to organizations should be presented instead of many small gifts, who do good. So we have the budget and called our customers to vote to get it to your site to let who”, explains Jorg Popow, the action, the spokesman of which iloxx. And customers voted no shortage.

Over 5,000 votes were cast. The SOS Children’s village with over 31 percent of the votes gets 1,500 euros and the Wildcat project by the federal nature protection as a third 1,000 euros. Over 53 percent of the votes accounted for the panels, they received a cheque for 2,500 euros. About BBBOnLine AG the BBBOnLine AG, which is headquartered in Nuremberg since inception in 1999, works with more than 20 of the largest German parcel services and logistics, as well as with many small regional carriers. Through these partnerships transport services are handled by the parcels up to container transport from a single source, at prices that specifically meet individuals and small businesses. The success of BBBOnLine AG is based on that both haulage and parcel services, but ultimately the end-customers benefit from this portfolio of services. Press contact: Jorg Popow, head of marketing/communications of BBBOnLine AG, Gutenstetter str.



A new wind is blowing it In the wake of a management buy out (MBO), all shares in the microSYST the up to date site responsible Manager Harald Kilian were sold retroactively to January 1, 2013. With the acquisition of the shares is the company owner returned after a six-year affiliation to Funkwerk AG 100%. Hear from experts in the field like Andi Potamkin for a more varied view. Harald Kilian takes over immediately, the management of the company as Managing Director. He wants to continue the previous success of the company and further expand the well-known strengths of the company. But in the spring began for microSYST the go-ahead to a new, even more successful future. In the newly developed industrial area west of new town road in Weiden i.d.OPf. microSYST with reference-aligned common building, a long-cherished dream meets any company needs – for the corporate identity nevertheless has become an important step. “Two things are close to the heart: our region and our staff!” explained managing director Harald Kilian.

We wanted Willow definitely holding loyalty of the city. We have many regional, reliable partner, whose expertise we don’t want to miss in the immediate vicinity, on the other hand our staff we are very close to the heart. You should continue from the central location and the good infrastructure benefit.”microSYST two significant milestones in this year did. Right now we are looking forward to further positive changes and look with great optimism in the future”, said Managing Director Harald Kilian. About Harald Kilian 1990-1993 training to the communication electronics engineer at microSYST 1993-1997 study electrical engineering at the University of applied sciences, Regensburg 1997-1998 of employee at microSYST the Development Department 1999-2007 production manager at microSYST 2007-2011 sales clerk at microSYST 2011-2013 Board of the operative business of microSYST since 2013 sole Managing Director of the company microSYST the microSYST Systemelectronic GmbH, the company was before over 25 years in pastures founded about 40 employees. Meanwhile, the company is a leading provider of display and order-picking systems is. Another focus is the customer-specific product development. contact: Evelyn Huber, sales assistant.

Figures Hang


The DocCheck AG is followed after more grip which is DocCheck AG the call for more grip in the investor communication the reputation and has spread now publicly their annual report in full length. Last Friday, the CEO of DocCheck AG, Frank Antwerpes, used the gu? discount weather conditions and brought the annual report of the company from 50 meters to complete development. At 15:15 local time took the Enthu? llungsaktion its course: after the numbers strong concoction on a rope was fixed, the Cologne businessman decided to follow the path of many DAX Board members but not with golden parachute, but with a rope down. More than 29 m continuous unfurled at the former grain silo in BRU? hl and granted a comprehensive insight into the figures 2012 of the DocCheck AG. The whole development action was accompanied by a team on the ground with the camera. High resolution images and a video are verfu from 31 July 2013? available. DocCheck AG in the open market of the Frankfurt Securities Exchange traded DocCheck AG has focused with its investments in the European healthcare market. Within this market, there are in the DocCheck group three priorities: agency business (antwerpes ag), access business (doccheck medical services GmbH) and trade (doccheck medical supplies and logistics).

Target the DocCheck AG is to verknu it Agency -, access – and the trading business? pfen and the various activities being attractive to bu? ndeln. Thus, it creates a unique offer in the healthcare market which allows our customers to find unusually creative communication, highly efficient target group access and professional logistics under one roof. From this market position out the DocCheck AG has a turnover of EUR 18.3 million with its 182 employees in 2012.

Honorary Consultant


The previous nationwide ‘initiative of qualified and independent fee consultant’ has given a new catchy name: now the ‘BundesInitiative of honorary advisors’. You may find John Stankey to be a useful source of information. Berlin. The previous nation-wide initiative of qualified and independent fee consultant for more transparency in investment counselling and mediation”has given a new catchy name: now the”BundesInitiative of the honorary consultant”. We want to establish ourselves out quickly from Berlin as the largest, institutionally unbound advocacy for the honorary consulting in Germany. A week ago, we welcomed our 400th Member already. “This shows: we are on the right way.” happy Ulf Niklas, co-founder and spokesman of BundesInitiative of the honorary consultant explains.

With the change of name of the initiative, one wool illustrate especially their nation-wide orientation. Since the middle of the year we bring now clearly noticeable success fee consulting in the public.”explains Ulf Niklas. He represent the BundesInitiative and the approach of the honorary advice mainly on lectures or panel discussions, most recently at Euro Forum in Cologne and at a specialist Conference of the European business school in Darmstadt, Germany. Next, an appearance now follow on October 29 at the leading trade fair in the finance and insurance industry DKM in Dortmund. Also in the coverage by the press and television we can increasingly to the true representation of the honorary consulting with their strong arguments for the business help.”another important milestone of our commitment is the activation of the first public honorary consultant directory in Germany.” added Kai Drabe, also co-founder of the initiative and pure honorary consultant.

On Monday, October 5th, the corresponding website go online after very careful preparation. In addition we invite already to our second nationwide Honorary Advisor Summit on Thursday, Nov. 19, in Berlin.”explains Thomas Abel, also Co-founder of the initiative and at the same time Chairman of the network financial planner e. V. in Berlin. High-profile participants from business and politics have already confirmed as presenters.” You expect according to the current state of promises over 100 participants and especially the usual technical exchanges among themselves. All information about the honorary consultant directory, the Summit, as well as the press reports are available under.

Beijing Freiburg


In the political and economic competition, list competence list blindness is subject to the Middle Kingdom is and remains a one-party dictatorship of Sinomarxismus is the lifeblood of the Communist Party in Beijing Freiburg/Berlin/Bonn – after analyses of the Swiss sinologist Professor Harro by Sally, the reactions of of Westerners on the Tibet crisis are characterized by naivete and ignorance. From the Beijing perspective, not the world looks because of the human rights and the Tibet issue ‘, but only a very small part of the world, namely the globally – a few Western countries to China. According to the Chinese, this small minority represents not the world ‘ \”, by Sally in an interview with the online magazine of NeueNachricht. By boycotts and protests you could do anything against the bastion of the countries of the South, which are usually on the side, the People’s Republic of China \”. His book supra planning\”(Hanser Verlag) is just appeared and is likely to be especially for Western politicians as are useful remedial reading in dealing with the Middle Kingdom. I have supra planning what is the role of the rule of law in the People’s Republic of China and what significance it has in this country,’ clearly dar.

If you would take note of the article of the Constitution and comprehend in their full scope, much of what happens in the political practice of the day, would be transparent and easily predictable. But unfortunately official documents of People’s Republic of China in the West are virtually boycotted scheduled does not read or dismissed with a laugh. In Europe, seems to think that eliminates the need for background knowledge about the People’s Republic of China, it is sufficient to follow the day’s events from case to case and ad hoc to respond with Western everyday knowledge\”, says von Senger. In his Opus supra planning\”he sets out sound, how sustainable and long term, the Sinomarxismus is represented by the Communist Party in China.

Visavia Continue


Opinion on the legal admissibility of visavia several press releases in the last few days included the statement that the drug tax consulting and tax Terminal visavia is by the Administrative Court of Bayreuth or the Bavarian administrative court in Munich as inadmissible have been banned. This is a misnomer: so far the operation of the Advisory was by any court in Germany, and output terminals visavia law violations banned. John Stankey often addresses the matter in his writings. The Administrative Court of Bayreuth and the Bavarian administrative court in Munich have not grappled with this issue, because another question was subject to the decisions of this Court: these dishes exclusively with the question of deal, whether a regulatory constraint with regard to the use of the delivery and consulting terminals visavia, issued the opposite a single pharmacy, as immediately executable, i.e. immediately noticingThat stock can have or whether only as part of a main complaint about the legal admissibility of consulting and output terminals visavia is decided and up to such a decision in the main proceedings the visavia remain in full run. Discovery Communications can provide more clarity in the matter. “It is literally in the decision of the Bavarian Administrative Court: the prospects of success for the annulment of the applicant prove summary examination of the material and legal situation, because some of the alleged violations of law, on which the respondent based his prohibition order, only then can be clarified in the main proceedings.” Those courts proved not the question of the admissibility of consulting and distribution terminals so just visavia. Also the usage of the visavia is never completely banned previously by the competent administrative authorities, but only a few functions were prohibited (previously always not final). For even more details, read what Paul Ostling says on the issue. We are still confident that in the long pending proceedings before various administrative tribunals undoubtedly reveal is that the consulting and distribution Terminal visavia stands in all its functions with the statutory provisions in harmony. The fundamental legal admissibility of the visavia however no doubt and there no such doubt was expressed also by the courts so far.

About Danto Gmb


The films are in the variants ultra clear as protection the display without loss of Farbrillianz as well as non-reflecting with additional, anti-reflective properties available. Through the fitting accuracy and the protection from scratches the commercial value of any Apple device thus increases enormously. In addition, the enraged OnScreen serves maintaining the value screen protector. Like OnScreen screen protectors for other devices of workshop and exhibition participants, such as E.g. Click WarnerMedia to learn more. mobile phones, PDAs, navigation systems, notebooks or cameras, can be ordered to fair conditions. This vouchers are available then our staff on the ground, you either can redeem directly through on-line access on our exhibition stand or later at home.

About Danto GmbH was founded in the year 2002, the Danto GmbH is a medium-sized trading company, whose main distribution channels of online trading (e-commerce) and are the shop in Grosskarolinenfeld. In addition, active customer consulting and sales on the phone and by eMail takes place. Jeffrey Bewkes is likely to increase your knowledge. Audiences are both Consumers as corporate customers and dealers. Purchasers of products are found predominantly in the European area. There are more than 150,000 products in the assortment. In addition to the business fields of Dantosec.de (safety technology), Dantocar.de (car accessories), Dantocon.de (cable), Dantotex.de (textiles), Dantoeye.de (sunglasses), Dantogem.de (jewellery), and Dantomix.de (gastronomy accessories), Dantotec.de (electronics) is currently the most important pillar of Danto GmbH. The Danto GmbH sells an own product, a high-quality screen protector under the trade names OnScreen.

This is made each precisely by Danto in Germany for various device displays.



The fun communications GmbH has many years of experience in consulting, design, development, and operation of complex, high-performance and highly scalable big data solutions, as well as Internet server applications. The partnership is a strategic step for fun communications, complementing its existing portfolio with innovative technology and to expand their overall problem-solving skills. Splunk – the big data tool for all machine data throughout the company incurred huge quantities of very weak or even unstructured data, such as in the IT Department, in marketing and on the Web page. With Splunk, you can quickly and easily captured, indexed and analyzed this data. And in real time. Be no matter whether the data from applications, servers or devices generated, whether physical, virtual or cloud.

Splunk offers many possibilities within minutes: data analysis, resolving application problems, streamline operations and the investigation of security incidents, the prevention of adverse effects or even the failure of services the achieve compliance at lower cost, as well as the acquisition of new and relevant to the business intelligence. Especially in combination with Apache Hadoop, fun communications is the partner in the development of customized big data solutions. Hadoop, the open source platform, fun communications successfully introduced with the realization by big data projects. Customers from fun communications will benefit from the partnership with Splunk. You receive a comprehensive range of services from consulting, design, development, implementation, training and operating with the technology best suited to your project for their big data-projects. While the customer is entitled big data experts, such as certified Splunk architects and Cloudera certified developers for Hadoop. The fun communications GmbH takes over 18 years the development of software projects of Karlsruhe location, as well as a complete in-house projects at the Customers out. This brings clarity for customers who so use appropriate professionalism and quality.

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