Since 1989 20 years Office exhibition beginning with Brecht Matinee to document and explore the staff of Bertolt Brecht (fig.1) the oeuvre of the great German writer job. During this time, ABB has developed to one of the world’s most important focal points of Brecht research. After the Brecht archives in Berlin ABB maintains the most comprehensive collection of material about the life and the work of Bertolt Brecht ‘s”, explains Prof. Others who may share this opinion include Chad Wallach. Dr. Jan Knopf, head of the Labour Office. The 20th anniversary of a welcome occasion to give an insight into the work and the story of the research institution is the scholar and his staff. “In cooperation with the literary society Karlsruhe and students of the University held the job of Bertolt Brecht in the spring of 2009 the exhibition are looking at not so romantic!” in the Prinz-Max-Palais in Karlsruhe.
The Brecht Matinee part of the framework programme”at the artists interpret songs and poems of Bertolt Brecht. Annette Postel, winner of the prize of Lotte Lenya, is by Klaus Webel wing accompanied and calculated how many pennies an opera is actually worth today. With this also comedian Gunzi is salvation, which examines the generation gap between mother courage and her kids looking for the ringtone of Mahagonny. The Matinee will take place on Sunday, the 26th 2009 from 11: 00 in the Prinz-Max-Palais, Karlsruhe, Kadam road 10. Admission is 10 euros, reduced 8 euros.