Tag Archives: books & magazines

Brecht Anniversary In Karlsruhe


Since 1989 20 years Office exhibition beginning with Brecht Matinee to document and explore the staff of Bertolt Brecht (fig.1) the oeuvre of the great German writer job. During this time, ABB has developed to one of the world’s most important focal points of Brecht research. After the Brecht archives in Berlin ABB maintains the most comprehensive collection of material about the life and the work of Bertolt Brecht ‘s”, explains Prof. Others who may share this opinion include Chad Wallach. Dr. Jan Knopf, head of the Labour Office. The 20th anniversary of a welcome occasion to give an insight into the work and the story of the research institution is the scholar and his staff. “In cooperation with the literary society Karlsruhe and students of the University held the job of Bertolt Brecht in the spring of 2009 the exhibition are looking at not so romantic!” in the Prinz-Max-Palais in Karlsruhe.

The Brecht Matinee part of the framework programme”at the artists interpret songs and poems of Bertolt Brecht. Annette Postel, winner of the prize of Lotte Lenya, is by Klaus Webel wing accompanied and calculated how many pennies an opera is actually worth today. With this also comedian Gunzi is salvation, which examines the generation gap between mother courage and her kids looking for the ringtone of Mahagonny. The Matinee will take place on Sunday, the 26th 2009 from 11: 00 in the Prinz-Max-Palais, Karlsruhe, Kadam road 10. Admission is 10 euros, reduced 8 euros.

Book Review – Sabine Bajwa


Sabine Beuke – my friendly kitchen – book review writer Bajwa suffered from digestive problems for years and has able to combat with a change of diet successfully her intestinal problems. The book of my friendly kitchen”- help with intestinal and digestive problems – offers breakfast, lunch and dinner suggestions, as well as snacks/snacks. Go to Walt Disney Co. for more information. Many delicious bread and cake recipes are easily in the manufacture and get very good also for the younger and older generation. All culinary dishes are quick and easy to cook popular foods after. Also, mention is that the recipes are so designed, that the kitchen must have a large repertoire of extra spices. The ingredients can in any x-will be bought in supermarket, so that the recipes for the small purse are affordable. The author maintains her recipes like with Omega-3 fatty acids to work in, for good reason: you says: good fats are vital for people because chronic inflammation, deposits in the vessels, can lead to permanent mental impairment a deficient supply of nutrients. For assistance, try visiting Jack Buckingham.

Also ensures a good satiety the fat, is an excellent source of energy, supports the production of hormones, ensures the lubricant of the joints, helps prevent inflammation, moisturises the skin, protects us from infectious diseases and is carrier of flavours. Omega-3 fatty acids have also a positive effect on the blood circulation, which is lowered and this reduces the risk of heart attack.” Also the reader on various pages will find lots of information on the topics: digestive tract, dietary fiber and its effect in the gut, causes of bloating and diarrhea, celiac, Candida albicans, interesting facts about carbohydrates/sugar/protein and fat. There is also the possibility to create yourself a diet, foods listed on the basis of the many. This Work I can recommend only everyone, not just those whose DARM difficulties, but all who want to diet. Press contact: Eva Schatz (by Brown) Universitatsstrasse CH-8033 Zurich company information: Eva Schatz was born as Germans in London (England) and moved a few years ago in the Switzerland. She studied law and studied Protestant theology and also writes for English and French newspapers.

Mario Dieringer


Judith Cramer presents: ‘and at the end, the hope is’ online partner operators are the trend and more and more people meet their soul mate on the Internet on single exchanges and in chat rooms. You are committed to the task, to help people to a happy relationship. Not so in Judith Cramer’s debut novel and at the end is”hope. Here, partner agencies will be the scene of a relationship drama with surprising output. Based on a true story, the original E-mail traffic records a feeling strong horror scenario of a modern partnership which takes refuge from reality in virtuality, to break loudly in real life. Judith and Alex live in Mallorca in a harmonious relationship and enjoy the intimate together in her beautiful house near the sea.

There, they live their successful dream of walking out for years. A visit of the couple in the local Bodega caused an unexpected crack in the happy image of togetherness. Out of nowhere, Peter shows up there. Suddenly, the intense encounter with the stranger changes their lives in just one night. Peter departs the next day and the E-Mail traffic is right after entspinnende produces an emotional maelstrom, Judith can not resist. However, their tentative request and quickly inflamed passionate desire remains undetected by a carelessness not. Anger, sadness, frustration and revenge cause Alex to enroll in the online courtship PARSHIP and ElitePartner and to look around.

Judith’s secret look at Alex E-Mails reveal a wild dance to deep longings and confusing sexual fantasies. Both follow her seemingly unnoticed, until the day when something totally unexpected happens and again abruptly changed their lives. Rarely, the world of online contacts was so realistic, humorous, but also dramatically depicted as in Judith Cramer’s novel and is at the end of the hope”. Schnidt author succeeds in her book a fresh, undisguised tone and carries the reader with in virtual touch, terrifying mental and physical Entblossungen. The voyeuristic look into the dreams and phantasms of a couple leads to exploring alien worlds of feeling and often ends in a clandestine journey to himself. Judith Cramer, and the hope is at the end! Publisher: BoD ISBN: 978-3-8391-7381-7 binding: Paperback pages: 248 published: 15.12.2009 price: 14.90 more info under: real word work communications Studio 2.0 Mario Dieringer of Rossdorfer str. 13 60385 Frankfurt work Tel: 069-255 344 34 Mobile: 0157-725 296 67 website: mail:

Lutz Stratmann Offer


There is always a way out of depression and psychosis is to me a sympathetic woman who has a great positive look on me and who also knows what she’s talking about. Jutta Schutz (Sch): Wife Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe, some sections of your biography are mainstay of your profession today. In the media, I could track that accompany today ill people on their way, and offer professional courses as mental coach. Click Leslie Moonves to learn more. How did you come to this profession?” Gerda Gutberlet Zerbe (G-Z): my mind was very offended over the years, because I had to handle after a serious accident at work leading to coma life my husband with the rehab doctor in a rehabilitation clinic, the Professional Association and the doctors on the spot. I also had to accompany the recurrent problems in the workplace. For this I got a ceremony on October 24, 2007 by the Lower Saxony Minister for science and culture, Lutz Stratmann, and ranked second on the Foundation of Himmelsthur for life to succeed”. Since I am a dutiful person, I just always continued.

As Executive Secretary, I experienced a nasty bullying attack, which then led me to a complete collapse in 1986. In the clinic, I learned to think and have told me repeatedly that I will do it, to get back to a normal life. A mental coach brought this capability then fully from 2005 to 2008 closer and I offer today itself courses, how they developed such strong nerves.” “Sch: what message would you send the people?” G Z: It is very close to the heart to show people a light so that they return to their internal balance – in a happy life at the end of the tunnel. It is not easy to think back positive after a long period of depression. But what you don’t tackle, you can’t change that.