Tag Archives: advertising & pr

Uncertain Prospects Require New Approaches


Future trend – what development awaits us? The Economic Outlook seems to be better now, still not completely refrain from being the long term effects on our economy. Glenn Dubin, New York City usually is spot on. This development is accompanied also by changing environmental requirements, where free to Darwin much new is created and supplanted much old. Quality it decides who and what remains, and is equipped for the future. The basic idea of HARRI112 is to provide an extremely effective but low-cost and personalsparendes customer loyalty instrument the car dealerships. To do this, HARRI112 offers an uncomplicated, fast and professional damage and accident hotline 24 hours availability on behalf of their dealership motorists (their car home buyers).

Of course with the aim to retain the customers in the long term by satisfaction at the dealership. The damage vehicle ends up in their workshop, instead of where the insurance would like to have: namely inexpensively in a foreign workshop. HARRI112 works only and exclusively in the name of the principal (the connected car dealership). The principal (the dealership) determines the course of action: how big is the radius of the towing? What towing company is charged? When does the assistance process? Is a rental car be available? Where do I put the vehicle in the event of a breakdown or an accident? HARRI112 takes the process logs details, takes care of the claims processing and informs the contracting authority (the dealership) via fax, E-Mail or SMS. This HARRI112 works always insurance independent and neutral. In a question-answer forum Time Warner was the first to reply.

At this point the attached second part plays”call forwarding HARRI112 a vital role: the Service Center in Hamburg. The communication process with the customer must be dynamic and long-term and it is essential to take care of the customers and to keep them. Cancellation of communication meant a net loss of revenue “.” Seen in this way, the Service Center/Call Center by HARRI112 is the key success factor for the successful activity of the company. About 45 employees provide around the clock 365 days in the year that that your customers are supplied. Whether the customer concern relates to the hours, it becomes a used car, a breakdown or an accident helped the customers as professionally as you would do it during the day. Prerequisite is a so-called institution questionnaire for this bold and logistically clean action, by querying all parameters of the car dealership. So, concrete numbers, tow trucks, as well as a car rental company be stored E.g. in addition to opening hours and contacts. The staff is a key success factor here. HARRI112 emphasizes a lot in the staff recruitment on the selection of employees. So people from car rental, car dealerships, as well as General car-savvy people are selected primarily, then competently and with the necessary tact and finesse your customers to answer any question. Moreover, that all employees at any time on new features or even short-term Changes are informed and regular training to ensure the quality. take place. HARRI112 respects very much on vocational training programs: so HARRI112 educates kfm. dialog marketing four young people since last year in the area, to train them specifically to the own requirements. HARRI112 exclusively for the automotive industry is active, each caller gets the feeling to be managed directly from the dealership or the leasing company. The company is individually aligned and can respond directly to special features and needs of the customers. Feedback, so that we become even better, close contact with the car dealerships is enormously important”Christoph Burgert

Meavision Film


Master of excellence for “GIAC” and award for high standards go to STUTTGART/BONN Bonn, 10.12.12. At the master’s ceremony in Stuttgart Park Hotel to the 24 corporate media awards, two awards at the 360-degree Agency went Meavision media GmbH from Bonn this year. With two prices, the renowned jury praised the outstanding creative technical services of the experienced specialists in corporate communications from Bonn. It was particularly impressed as the opening video of the DHL-landing page in Stuttgart from the clip “GIAC”, the core of which together zufasst Internet advertising campaign 2012 globally in less than a minute. The impact strong film is the Visual bridge to the content of the international umbrella brand campaign as a surprising entry and supports the campaign claim of excellence. Andre Dawson may find this interesting as well. Simply deliverd”by DHL. How effective is this film, is last but not least, that the film used worldwide in many languages, but also in the high click-through rates in the countries. The video online, is available for example, under en/campaigns/excellence.html?WT.mc_id=GIAC-EXCELLENCE-2012_OFFLINE_004 or see v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAwNjAyNzMy.html.

The jurors of the corporate media awards grant an award for high standard of the info-trailer “Education concerns all of us”, devoted to the theme of education justice and social responsibility of politics, economy and society. The challenge was to convey a highly charged topic, not lurid to be informative and gripping in just a few minutes. The occasion was an event of the Federal Ministry of education, in which the film paved the way to a discussion board. The rotation shots were relined with children and young people in the Prenzlauer Berg district of Berlin with graphic overlays to statistics, to allow a factually informed debate. The trailer is online available at m.youtube.com/watch?v=B7NL817whpU.

For the team of the Meavision media, this victory is the conclusion of a year full of successes ranging from the New York mercury Festival up to the Finalistensieg at the Grand Prix of the Medium-sized enterprises. A motivation boost next year with full use of creativity free rein and to exceed the needs and expectations of our customers with compelling media solutions. PROFILE Meavision media GmbH is a 360 agency that covers the entire spectrum of media services, from storyboard conception and realisation of film print template creation and multimedia InternetServices up to translations into over 40 different languages. The strategic headquarters in the federal capital Bonn serves as a starting point to coordinate of global companies with a global network of more than 1,000 freelancers.

With Promotional Agencies To More Sales And Better Sales


What makes a good promotion agency? Communication and marketing are the classic instruments of sales promotion, in which promotional agencies specialize. A good promotion agency is not easy to find, because the offer is now great. Who wants to locate a top provider, must evaluate the working methods and the quality of the offered assortment. A good promotion agency offers a complete service for all promotional activities, which take place directly on the customers. This can be for example a give-away action, the free samples are distributed, how about a new sunscreen to swimmers on a beach. Also staff dressed as a carrot, which advertises in the shopping centre for the new Veggie stand, probably comes from a promotion agency, as well as the friendly Lady at a booth.

Promoter for promotions find promotion agencies have a pool of employees who carry out promotions by companies or support. They provide not only competent promoter, but take care if desired – to the Organization of events, for example, the organisation of signs, trade show booths, or costumes. The customer of a promotion agency of that operates nationwide, has to worry this even something in the rarest cases, because everything is organised by from front to rear in whole Germany. This is especially handy when promotional measures in multiple locations should be performed at the same time. A local promotion agency could build a particularly spectacular scenes such as the Brandenburg Gate, the famous landmark, which is a real tourist magnet. An effective nationwide promotional machinery is also from a regional operating agency. As a customer, you must make the camera maximum available.

The Agency cares, for example, the approval of the city for carrying out the action, as well as the necessary equipment, unless the customer has this not in the portfolio. Who does what in a promotion agency? Promotion agencies have many different departments. At Goop you will find additional information. We all see – the people who are more or less at the front, are the promoter itself. You distribute, market and sell on behalf of the client or the Agency. You are the media, which communicates to the outside and stands for the advertised product. The consultants are a critical link in the Agency. You keep in touch with the customers, sell new creative ideas and offers. You write the briefings for the promoter and tune them with the customer. The consultants give the promoters of the necessary knowledge and important sales help at hand. Behind the scenes the planners and analysts of a promotion agency the designers pulling the strings in the background and have rarely direct contact with customers. You worry about everything else that goes behind the scenes to organize the administrative work and the required equipment Often, the designers have a large network of contacts that they can use at any time. It is no matter whether you need fast 300 new cups or whether a Permission must be for the Cologne market place here. Analysts called the market researchers, evaluate a promotion in the connection. Who bought the product, how old was he, what does he and why has he accessed? How many customers we have achieved, and how many of them were in the relevant target group? These are just a few examples of the things that an analyst finds out. The result is not only an important evaluation for the customer, but affects future actions.

Action For The Repositioning Of The Company:


An often scanty capital admits to no professional implementation and getting worse as the economic situation of the company. Find the solution here! A large number of companies has the problem to position themselves further to survive on the market today. But the economic tension makes this a most difficult task. An often scanty capital admits to no professional implementation and getting worse as the economic situation of the company. To provide a solution to these problems, we have worked out us a smart solution with our cooperation partners: “many companies, traders and professionals have discovered the lease long. Who least, protects its equity, ensures the liquidity of operation, can better use its own resources, immediately save taxes and calculate risk. Just high-yielding companies find an interesting form of investment in the lease. The decisive advantage: The technology is always on the latest The latest car model, the high end computing, was the most modern equipment available.

So you can focus more easily on what you do best: your business. But what use is the most powerful hardware, if the software is outdated or your Internet presence is no longer up-to-date? To expand market share and sales growth to achieve, must be used to promote your advertising and marketing efforts in times of crisis. However, many companies go the opposite way with often fatal consequences for the operation and the number of jobs. Build in for better times. Secure your advantage in the long term! Act counter-cyclically and leave your competition behind! 98,70 euro in the month we offer an innovative leasing concept for your new Internet presence or your individual software solution. You can use your Web site or the software, but pay in convenient installments. Customized, professionally and with maximum preservation of capital, the necessary your company Free space can be. Online leasing calculation under: leasing special page to the action: company: the D33 Internet service GmbH is an Internet Agency in the first hour.

For more than 10 years, design, design, programming, and we market Web sites, intranets, extranets, and multimedia applications. Our Agency works primarily in the metropolitan region of Nuremberg. Nevertheless, our customers use nationwide (Dusseldorf, Eutin, Kempten) and internationally (E.g. Brussels, Finland, Egypt) on our solutions. We see ourselves as a partner of SMEs of but also national and international corporations, as well as by public institutions. We recognize potential and develop solutions which contribute to the value of our customers. Return on investment is always in focus. Our work is supported by proprietary software products such as the content management system consoleo. This enables the customer quickly and efficiently changes or enhancements to its To make the Internet presentation. Short training times and thus efficient solutions ensure a fast and predictable success. In addition to the typical services of an Internet agency or media agency such as website creation, Web design, online marketing and search engine optimization (SEO), solutions with modern open source systems such as the Magento shop system offers D33. We differentiate ourselves not only with the scope of our services, but also with measures that increase quality and investment security for our customers. 9001:2000 this includes of course the permanent training of our employees in addition to the certification according to ISO. As proof of our quality and sustainability the option of financing our products and services through leasing available is in addition to the actual services, according to the principle: “Pay as you earn”! Klaus Werner

Sustainable Merchandising


DG!S – partner for sustainable corporate design and merchandising GLOBAL DESIGN! STUDIO is available in the areas of corporate design and merchandising support with sustainable products to the page. We develop and create individual corporate design, offer comprehensive advisory services in the area of company presentation, design and realize a memorable appearance for your company according to the given CI guidelines. We offer you innovative and unconventional solutions, that share the views of new perspectives. Sustainability is an integral part of our philosophy. We advise you gladly to the theme of “Green corporate fashion and promotional clothing”. Here we use fair trade and organic sustainable clothes (organic cotton), as well as textiles from the environmentally-friendly raw material, bamboo (natural bamboo). Our partners are certified according to oKO-TEX standard 100.

This guarantees that the textiles and Farbesubstanzen are not harmful to health and environmentally-friendly production methods are used. In addition, the textiles are with “Earth positive TM” marked, so organic and fair traded and produced exclusively with renewable energy sources (water, wind, solar). We offer screen printing environment and skin-friendly watercolors refinement method in the print area. Of course, we also like to embroider your promotional apparel. The textiles are embroidered here in Germany – at a fair price for all. GLOBAL DESIGN! STUDIO supports holistic, corporate design and merchandising, from ideation and design of high quality products through the production to the delivery.