Shabby talk to business sales training during the break was found out a couple of fun things. two members Business treninga’zaslali ‘to understand, order of corporate sales training or not, and one girl, Catherine Demko, she was business manager of the company’s “Organization of time.” It was interesting to see how work colleagues. ‘One of my favorite coaches – Alexander Solomatin of companies’ Mainstream ‘Daughter’ Ecopsy consulting ‘,’ – Catherine confessed. According to Demko, once one of his clients complained that more than a year he does not can arrange a personal meeting with a potential buyer – he finished with a polite refusal. Solomatin unexpectedly agreed to participate in negotiations and surprisingly easy to not just an appointment, but that same day, helped make the transaction. ‘Beautiful theory training for sales in Russia often do not work’, – said Vasily skeptical , Supervisor of culinary experts from the companies ‘Unilever’. He told how, after learning the art of sales in the companies ‘business sales training’ with his friends took the coach to the nearest restaurant, where they tried by all the rules to sell mayonnaise.

‘I will not buy’ – waving his arms chef. When asked why laconically replied: “Too mayonezisty you have it.” But volgogradets Ivan Kolosov, executive director of the entertainment center ‘Kinopleks’ refers to the training favorably. According to him, a theory which is given by classroom, helping themselves to understand the minutiae and intricacies of the business. For example, the prescription of algorithms, that he learned at training sessions of the Moscow Institute of examination and testing, helped him in the implementation system iso 9000 in the home of the company.