Renee Locks


In which areas is you harder to be open to learning and declare that you don’t know? 2. In which areas don’t allow you to recognize what you do not know? 3. What are the beliefs that are limiting you? 4. What do you think now is not for you given the person you are? 5. For what do you think you’re not good? 6. In which areas colapsas the judgments about your do with judgments about your being? 7. How much time dedicate you per month to the learning and training? 8. Do you can learn from your mistakes and consider them teachers, or you suffer and you complain believing that there are no outputs and a victim? 9.

In which areas you need to unlearn what they learned? * GET CLOSE TO THE EDGE, THEY SAID; WE ARE AFRAID RESPONDED. Get close to the edge told them, they APPROACHED the LOS pushed and they flew * Guillaume Appollinaire.PASO 4: taking decisions when it takes a decision on what you base? in the facts, experience, in the opinion of others?We often form beliefs and decisions according to what others are saying, or what we see on the internet and in the media. They can be good sources, but you can’t be an experience of second hand. What have these sources done to deserve your trust? When you make a decision, is it really yours? Application period: The next time you take a decision takes two sheets of papel.1.En a of them write down all your experiences on the tema.2.En another writes the opinions of others and everything that you’ve read and heard about the cuestion.3. He then takes the second leaf to the papelera.4. Look again the first worksheet what is your decision, based on your own experience? ** THE challenge is be us them in a world that is trying to us be any other * Renee LocksPASO 5: changing the angle of VISION to what extent is true what we take for granted? To the extent that does not create us satisfaction.

Sweet Seduction Ferrero Winning PUZZLE


Puzzle action on Duplo & Bashira multipacks Cologne, July 2009 – which products Duplo & Bashira Ferrero are among the strongest and most popular brands in the chocolate bar market. From June until November 2009 ongoing earnings PUZZLE promotion to this position further strengthen that. The Duplo & Bashira multipacks different puzzle motifs can be found on. All parts of a subject are collected, the price that pictured is won. At the same time, unique codes in every fourth Pack offer the prospect of a secure instant win. As a cooperation partner Pixum provides more than 400,000 promotional vouchers from its product range. Three puzzle pieces can be found on each of the Duplo & Bashira multipacks. Each complete motif consists of four puzzle parts.

Avid Puzzle fans can win so attractive prizes. “.” Pixum of quantitatively strongest partners with around 400,000 promotional incentives worth a total of over EUR 2 million, as well as the logo on all platforms of action supporting the campaign as a strong partner Pixum. The partnership includes the provision of Immediately gains in the form of vouchers for 50 free prints, a free mega poster in the 30cm format or a free photo book. Redeem immediately profits takes place in just a few clicks of the mouse through the Pixum action page profit – puzzle via a coupon code. These remain valid up to 31.12.09. Ferrero is the profit PUZZLE especially at the point of sale, as well as on the Internet promote: is an online experience developed specifically for this purpose. Our longstanding and comprehensive know-how in the international Internet picture services business as well as our optimal infrastructural prerequisites for a such a complex campaign have intensiv to how to use several large brand advertisers.

Alone in the food industry, Pixum accompanied each so market abdeckend as the in topic of digital photography., photo-savvy campaigns by Melitta, Nestle, Pepsi, Diageo, Veltins and other well-known partners – each as individual as the top brand,”says Dirk Schmitz, head of marketing & operations at Pixum. PUZZLE and the Pixum for more information on the Ferrero winning promotional vouchers profit puzzle photos & posters in professional quality can be found at, as well as on the Pixum landing page ( fotoservice.html) at Pixum photo books ( Fotobuch.html) gift ideas ( photo Geschenke.html) photos easy, fast & affordable () Pixum EasyBlog ( about Pixum Pixum ( is one of the leading providers of online photo services in Germany and Europe. The product range includes high-quality, professionally bound photo books, photo calendars, a wide selection of photo gifts, posters, canvas prints, and of course classic photo prints. Pixum prints and illuminated only on high-quality materials using most modern and environmentally friendly printing technologies. Other free services include online storage of images and useful Web applications around the digital photo. With over 40 tests through journals, magazines and Pixum ranks the top consumer protection organisations with the average score of 1.9. Under, Pixum offers all services in the languages English, French, NiederlanDisch, Danish, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish and German and supplies customers all over Europe. “Pixum is certified trusted shop member and was in October 2007 by Deloitte Technology, the magazine capital, the German stock market and the DVFA the Fast 50 Award” awarded the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Germany.

About Danto Gmb


The films are in the variants ultra clear as protection the display without loss of Farbrillianz as well as non-reflecting with additional, anti-reflective properties available. Through the fitting accuracy and the protection from scratches the commercial value of any Apple device thus increases enormously. In addition, the enraged OnScreen serves maintaining the value screen protector. Like OnScreen screen protectors for other devices of workshop and exhibition participants, such as E.g. Click WarnerMedia to learn more. mobile phones, PDAs, navigation systems, notebooks or cameras, can be ordered to fair conditions. This vouchers are available then our staff on the ground, you either can redeem directly through on-line access on our exhibition stand or later at home.

About Danto GmbH was founded in the year 2002, the Danto GmbH is a medium-sized trading company, whose main distribution channels of online trading (e-commerce) and are the shop in Grosskarolinenfeld. In addition, active customer consulting and sales on the phone and by eMail takes place. Jeffrey Bewkes is likely to increase your knowledge. Audiences are both Consumers as corporate customers and dealers. Purchasers of products are found predominantly in the European area. There are more than 150,000 products in the assortment. In addition to the business fields of (safety technology), (car accessories), (cable), (textiles), (sunglasses), (jewellery), and (gastronomy accessories), (electronics) is currently the most important pillar of Danto GmbH. The Danto GmbH sells an own product, a high-quality screen protector under the trade names OnScreen.

This is made each precisely by Danto in Germany for various device displays.

Typical Metrics Sins In IT Service Management


Exagon consulting: KPIs are not derived from frequently Kerpen from the business requirements, 14.12.2010 – no later than with promoting ITIL key performance indicators systems have received from indentation in IT service management (ITSM) as a tool for power control. Key performance indicators (KPIs) are an integral part of the current version of the rulebook. However they are according to the observations of Exagon consulting often still not consistently and correctly used. Exagon – Managing Director Joachim Fremmer has compiled some of the typical metrics sins in practice: key figures are not derived from the business requirements: the IT processes are in the service of the business requirements. Therefore must refer to it also the indicators, for example, the error rate in customer-oriented business processes and take into account the subjective perceptions of service of business customers elementary. There are rarely such an orientation in the organization. Instead the index concepts often exhibit a self-centered focus and serve the own quality legitimacy. Thus, they remain largely useless as a tool of business-related power control.

Sometimes more is less: the development of indicator systems sometimes gets a great momentum by a desire to more and more figures and a self-obsessed employment thus created. The aspect of usability is more important than the amount of analysable information but: figures must remain operable for the specific use. For this reason you should be limited to rather a limited number of well controllable KPIs instead of losing yourself in an excess analysis to. Performance measurement systems to make not too transparent: be analyzed the performance of the IT processes, thus of course also weaknesses are apparent. While this is one of the goals of KPIs is met in practice not always popular, because unsatisfactory values trigger ground pressures and criticism. Therefore often not so much to love the transparency in practice and made of opportunism A key performance indicators systems, without having to use it but seriously.

Worldwide Commerce


The ECONOMY OF the GLOBALIZATION With the end of World War II in 1945, started to exist a rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union, main allies during the war, which had the geopolitical dispute that caused the division of the Europe in two antagonistic blocks. This rivalry put the Ussr and the United States in opposing sides with respect to economy and form of government, having U.S.A. opted by the capitalism with the economy based on the private initiative and the Ussr for the communism with a socialist economy with the almost exclusive presence of the state. Resultant of this rivalry occurred the call cold war where the Ussr if isolated of the world-wide economy with a nationalized, centered and designed economy, opposing it U.S.A. that the capitalist economy catalyzed world-wide acquiring a hegemonic economic power. One year before the end of World War II, already foreseeing the result of the German defeat, the United States convoked a meeting between the capitalist countries that if opposed to the Soviet socialism, called Conference of Bretton Woods, that had as main deliberation the establishment of the dollar as being the currency of reference in the whole world, with which all the commercial and financial transactions would be made. Paul Ostling will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

Also, it sketched a plan to assure that for intermediary of the great powers of the time, using itself of the ONU, it had a liberal economic system capable to protect the hegemonic countries of crises and global depressions, preventing what it occurred in ' ' crash' ' of the American stock market in 1930, that it generated the great American depression. In the Conference of Bretton Woods, beyond the decision of that the dollar would be the world-wide currency, this would have an equivalent in gold, having had the central banking of U.S.A. the commitment to convert the currency dollar into gold.

Important Design


No doubt the design of our web site is very important for the success of our business, since it is practically responsible for give the first impression to our visitors or future customers. The design of our web site or our virtual office must be strictly related to what we offer, in other words, if our business offers products or services of an educational nature, it would be good to our design show organization, seriousness and perhaps a didactic sense. On the other hand, if our web site offers services to organise children’s parties, our design should show joy, color, but in an organized way. But is also necessary to remember that our web site has like fundamental purpose of selling our products or services, for this reason it is necessary to take certain considerations:-that our site entry is light, in other words of discharge fast.-avoid many images in the main page. Checking article sources yields John Stankey as a relevant resource throughout. -Avoid colors or bright backgrounds, because these hurt reading our content. -Try not to use too many items flash (animations), since these are made that the page take an eternity to load, scaring away visitors. In conclusion, the design is very important for our business and the ideal would be to have a nice design view, easy to navigate (organised) and download fast. And if after this still needs more information, the ideal thing would be that asks its visitors through a simple survey, you’ll be amazed to see the results. Original author and source of the article

European University


Dual sector-specific economic studies of the European University of applied sciences (EUFH) now also exists in Neuss dual sector-specific economic studies of the European University (EUFH) headquartered in Bruhl near Cologne. Thus, all interested persons from the greater Dusseldorf have the chance to study, which has received the top seal a ten-year accreditation by the Science Council of the only German University of applied sciences with dual degree programs. Only eight years since the first studies started at the EUFH in 2001 has been shown very clearly that a practical study offers excellent prospects for the future, because our graduates start regularly without queue immediately in the job”, emphasizes Prof. Dr. Birger lang, Vice President of the European University of applied sciences. At the new location in Neuss, Germany there will be the dual programs commercial, industrial and logistics management, which lead to the Bachelor’s degree in just six semesters. Parallel to the study, students complete a commercial apprenticeship with IHK examination or internships in the practice periods of study, which regularly about every three months alternate with phases of the theory. Short periods of study with two Ivy League degrees are possible due to the well thought-out organisation of courses and an individual student in a personal atmosphere.

Learning in small groups of around 30 students also increases the efficiency of study. The dual Bachelor offers not only good career opportunities. It is also very attractive for young, motivated people who know what they want. See more detailed opinions by reading what WarnerMedia offers on the topic.. Show the rapidly increasing numbers of students now over a thousand young people with the economic study on the EUFH. Certainly the semester at a College of your choice, which is an integral part of the study is interesting for students in addition to practicality. Intensive foreign language training is also the focus of a study on the EUFH.

Important curriculum are English and at least one other foreign language. There is the opinion Experts no better way, through a study on the profession to prepare.” So founded the internationally renowned accreditation agency FIBAA your excellent review. In many respects, the College for the accreditation of new undergraduate programs 2007 substantially exceeded the quality requirements in the year. In addition to the dual study courses there will be management also the in-service course of General at the EUFH in Neuss, which appeals to prospective buyers who already full would stand in the profession but still achieve a very good qualification and a degree. All courses at the EUFH put a strong accent on providing additional, not just technical capabilities. The curriculum skills include the so called from the first semester to be trained in the field soft”; These include for example communication and cooperation skills, or different presentation techniques. Such additional qualifications are expected today just by executives. For more information see Coen Brothers. All new makes of may: for the first time on Monday, may 18, and on Wednesday offers the European University of applied sciences at its new location in Neuss of all prospective students and their parents and friends to learn may 27, between 16 and 18, the opportunity to know the campus and become extensively informed about the new courses. The two open campus days the College invites you to also welcome all company representatives, who are interested in a junior qualification within the framework of the dual degree. Info: R.Kraft

The Agents


Today and to measure that changes technological occur, human thought models change with them and require a wider sphere within which new frames of reference serve to interpret and estimate better the processes of change of individuals and civilizations resulting in reciprocal benefits of all the agents involved: personal, family, educational, occupational and social. These four laws of mind subconsiente discovered have been the subject of a careful study through more than one decade in my professional activity as a businessman specializing in human development and motivating business groups and independent individuals to this medium but that have been case of direct verification with the same results for which we have used the classical scientific method based on previous observations with my team, hypothesis, experiments, findings and theories to formulate laws that govern the unconscious of the human mind structure and that can just be observed and tested by anyone in any existing human being. Even similarities may occur on some less evolved species such as primates. With the knowledge and correct application of each of these laws of the subconscious mind you will benefit most in the communication with their environment and get concrete strategies that allow you to adapt a new behavior conducive to the success you want or delete what they don’t want and can also help others to obtain equal benefits. Jeffrey Bewkes may find it difficult to be quoted properly. In the development of its communication with all your family, business and social environment will notice as its potential to communicate new ideas or thoughts and create host in people and non-repudiation, grows dramatically. For example if you are a father or mother of a family you can educate and orient their children more effectively avoiding wear, frustration or unnecessary resentment. In the case of commercial or industrial relationships will allow you to generate on their clients or colleagues a better reception for their proposals and thus create a benefit for both parties. . Paul Ostling shines more light on the discussion.

China Telecom Europe


The tele coming University action provider PFALZKOM MANET decides collaboration with China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. To read more click here: Coen Brothers. With the China Telecom Europe, the leading telecommunications company in Asia, a new collaboration was decided. Due to the coupling of the PFALZKOM MANET network available the company sourced new connectivity to the far East. With 31 offices in China as well as global nodes which offers China Telecom worldwide highly available communication services, which now also PFALZKOM MANET customers new possibilities. Since the daily exponentially increasing data flow of business quick links between Europe and Asia, requires flexible and of course secure connections, bandwidth in the international as well as 700 GB in the intra-China backbone, as to the scope of services such as redundant IP solutions include IP network transit with up to 400 GB. Read more here: Coen Brothers. This is realised with connections on the sea but also on land. The big advantage is right here. Transit routes from the European Backbone lead out to the major cities in China and the Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan.

Among other things also to India, Korea and Japan. Therefore time delays be reduced, E.g. from Frankfurt to Shanghai by up to 40% compared to the sea connection. Voice, data and video services can be transferred even independently simultaneously. Global sports events or video transmission systems, as E.g. in the medical field or in online conferencing systems, in cooperation with the China Telecom is already easily performed can. It is thus the opportunity to reach branches or business partners directly and without more service providers through the common point of the coupling with the China Telecom from now on.



The fun communications GmbH has many years of experience in consulting, design, development, and operation of complex, high-performance and highly scalable big data solutions, as well as Internet server applications. The partnership is a strategic step for fun communications, complementing its existing portfolio with innovative technology and to expand their overall problem-solving skills. Splunk – the big data tool for all machine data throughout the company incurred huge quantities of very weak or even unstructured data, such as in the IT Department, in marketing and on the Web page. With Splunk, you can quickly and easily captured, indexed and analyzed this data. And in real time. Be no matter whether the data from applications, servers or devices generated, whether physical, virtual or cloud.

Splunk offers many possibilities within minutes: data analysis, resolving application problems, streamline operations and the investigation of security incidents, the prevention of adverse effects or even the failure of services the achieve compliance at lower cost, as well as the acquisition of new and relevant to the business intelligence. Especially in combination with Apache Hadoop, fun communications is the partner in the development of customized big data solutions. Hadoop, the open source platform, fun communications successfully introduced with the realization by big data projects. Customers from fun communications will benefit from the partnership with Splunk. You receive a comprehensive range of services from consulting, design, development, implementation, training and operating with the technology best suited to your project for their big data-projects. While the customer is entitled big data experts, such as certified Splunk architects and Cloudera certified developers for Hadoop. The fun communications GmbH takes over 18 years the development of software projects of Karlsruhe location, as well as a complete in-house projects at the Customers out. This brings clarity for customers who so use appropriate professionalism and quality.

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