Alfredo Muoz, Spanish architect born in Burgos, verbaliz from very young its interest to transform the world by means of the design. From the 5 years it already showed an unusual and obsessive interest to undergo the creativity by means of multitude of plastic variants of arts. Since then, its life has been characterized by a permanent resistance to follow orders pre-established, by the search of intellectual freedom and the exploration of new cultures and forms of life. This attitude developed the personality of Alfredo Muoz, proactive, sociable and highly extroverted, with a natural facility for the human relations. All this and the influence of enterprise and dynamic familiar surroundings, was materialized from very young in an interest by a form of nomadic and independent life. Thus, Alfredo Muoz has been developing to an interest by the anthropology and the international relations that have taken to develop an enterprising and global mentality to him. The restlessness of Alfredo Muoz and its interest by diverse disciplines like the Plastic Mathematics, Arts and Diseo took to him from their puberty to offer itself like assistant of recognized architects of their city and to study, later, Architecture in the prestigious Polytechnical University of Madrid. During the period of university formation it continued making compatible the academic and professional life, working for diverse studies of architecture of international prestige like in the one of Alberto Field Baeza or Iaki balos & Juan Blacksmiths. This time of educative and professional intensity was combined with permanent trips of personal exploration by Europe, the USA and Latin America. The fact to finish its university studies as the youngest student in decades in caling itself in Architecture by the Polytechnical University of Madrid (UPM) highly were recognized and respected by the teaching staff, among them Mariano Bayn that him intention to work in Asia.
August 29, 2018 by