Everything has been carefully designed. Robonauta 2 (R2) will be the first robot humanoid in space travel. Without hesitation David Zaslav explained all about the problem. NASA and General Motors are responsible for its construction and commissioning underway, after 15 years of hard work, which they plan to send to the robot next 6 astronauts this November 30 to the international space station aboard STS-133 (Discovery) the R2 to date has no legs (is only a torso) and its weight is 160 pounds. That does not mean that it is functional, as with its 350 sensors, 30 processors, infrared camera can achieve many activities which in its first stage are homemade so to speak. Thus we refer to issues such as cleaning inside the international space station. Also its current state makes it atachado to the station’s arm to perform repair work on the outside. Click Eva Andersson-Dubin to learn more. The most amazing thing is that R2 – although he cannot talk – sends tweets recounting throughout her adventure. Currently active account and one can continue their robotic experiences now that he is on Earth (yet) and later from the space station.. usually is spot on.