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Immigration Office


In addition, a fee will be charged. An is clear: the 14 days is just a precautionary managerial Act – see below! The process then the local German authorities (Embassy) tells your partner Gets a visa now that despite your efforts here in Germany less expensive is often as a mere tourist visa. So. Arrived here you should take care of together like this your goal: make an appointment at the local registry office, stating that it is a multinational marriage by telephone. Arrange a meeting with the Immigration Office usually this possibility does not exist.

So you go to your next appointment, schedule 6 hours time and specify that you will get married. It will probably follow a chronological Edition, that, if that has to take place in less than your time frame (see below). Both then go to the registry office under reference on the Immigration Office, you take again your identification documents. The result is a check list of required documents (below) be. As grateful, they could agree “today plus 2 months” with your partner on a marriage date.

Experience has shown that it will be however impossible to achieve… At this point, the race usually starts with time (and finances!) So notice, that at least three positions are listed on the checklist of required documents of the registry office: marriage ability certificate (to make sure, that your partner is not currently married and is of legal age, etc.) something like a registration certificate pass confirmation that varies however depending on the country of origin of your partner. All the together the demand will be for an “Apostille”. The Apostille is a certificate of authenticity issued by the country of origin and is granted by notaries (in the country). It is absolutely necessary for all foreign documents. Your partner should never be to any Translations associated persuaded are useless here.

Federal Statistical Office


Regardless of the expected decline in the population, it should be half a million households more up to the year 2020 in accordance with information of the Federal Statistical Office about. This longer-term social developments are one reason for this demand continues to grow. The trend towards smaller households plays a role here. Two-thirds of all housing units are occupied at present only by one or two people. Changing ways of life are among the main causes.

The increased number of elderly people leads more and more single households in the higher age, while younger generations start later with the establishment of the family. Residential real estate represent a preferred form of living in good areas of metropolitan areas. Especially the often better income opportunities, the better job as well as the improved infrastructure have a great attraction. As urban quality of life are the numerous shopping facilities, the greater Culture supply as well as the educational and medical facilities. There is, however, a further development of differentiated according to regions. In many metropolitan areas the demand for apartments due to the increasing number of households and a little construction activity, while in some areas more and more migration movements emerge.

The new construction activity declined in Germany: here, a new post-war low was reached in 2008. After the boom of German reunification in the mid-1990s, the number of newly completed flats has been continuously. Reasons are a reduction in residential areas as well as pronounced with higher construction costs. The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of July 10, 2009, a functionary of the real estate Association of Germany (IVD), was as follows: “The gap between the demand for new homes and new continually widened”. A housing shortage is emerging especially in the significantly in demand positions in German cities. It is believed that the upcoming Demand for residential real estate in the metropolitan regions are no longer covered, can, if the housing construction activity does not return to.

El Xenon


Today, Xenon is rapidly breaking into our lives and displace the old halogen bulb with their yellow eyes burning with light. Xenon lamps are used in various fields ignites the gas mixture, and the result obtained is unusually clean and bright lights. Modern Xenon lamps allow you to adjust how it will be this light – white, blue, blue. It is important that in any case, the light Xenon lamps are much closer to natural sunlight, are accustomed to our eyes. And that means sitting behind the wheel the driver will not get tired of the world's own lights, and pedestrians, blinded by headlights at dusk, will not be swear after the car. Xenon lamp xenotex superior to the old incandescent bulbs for a variety of other parameters. Especially important is that Xenon is very durable. They have no filament, which in the halogen lamps relatively quickly fails, because when the lamp is lit, the filament is constantly under the influence of electricity and as a result of burns.

In xenon lamps burn out xenotex nothing, and therefore once paid for a purchase, you will not have long to think about replacing. Xenon lamp looks stylish and modern. If the car can be judged on its owner, who has equipped his car xenon lamps, clearly seek to meet the trends of today and to keep pace with the times. If you drive a car with the headlights on the base incandescent lamps, it is quite possible for you to replace them with a xenon lamp. No need to change wiring.

Modern Xenon xenotex actually installed on almost any vehicle. Availability, quality and reliability – these are the main target products, sold under the trade brand xenotex. To achieve them, more than 5 years ago were combined efforts of several high-tech manufacturers of the highest quality at the moment xenon equipment in Japan, Korea and China. Through these efforts, we can provide to the market several variants of xenon, satisfying the needs of our clients on all indicators, from the budget class to the sets to which the increased demands in principle xenotex good xenon units operate quietly and quite quickly, and you can catch them on almost any full-time posting. For ignition unit lacked the claimed starting voltage of 9 V, there is also reverse polarity protection. Lamp ignition voltage is range from 23 to 25 kV. Now the production of these kits are completely transferred to China. Since one of our friends was an unpleasant incident with a lamp (the lamp when you turn the light on fire, then light was added to the native red tint, then the light went out – a sure sign that the bulb is out of order), then had to change both lights to have the same light, more like that does not happen again. As a result, xenon xenotex though and had a gripe with our hand, but still worthy is the fourth of our pedestal, because he has the lowest price in the market and meets zayavlyanym characteristics. When using materials from this article link to a site of El Xenon is required.

East Europe


Cuba and Vietnam were saved of such evolution to have a different history and to be in a continent far distant. Whereas in Eastern Europe the USA was view like an ally against hard and a symbol of progress and freedom, in Cuba and Indochina was a strong popular resistance to Washington to that they had repelled militarily or they confronted a blockade. Whereas in Europe the Eastern ones saw as the western part of the continent had better standards of life and consumer goods, in Cuba and Vietnam their populations saw that their neighbors had discharges rates of unemployment and poverty, reason why their economic models did not arouse the attraction to him that yes had the European Community for the Euro-Eastern ones. While liberal revolutions of East Europe knew to remove advantage of resentments of national minorities (like Armenian of Karabaj, Baltic, the Slovenes and Croatians, etc.), Cuba, although it is a crucible of races, is nationally homogenous. To the week that Fidel fulfilled his 65 years the blow of Yanayev in Moscow took place (19 21 August 1991) that, when failing, it produced a feedback. Those years must have been terrible for Fidel because it saw as its Soviet godfather were disintegrated. This era its main buyer of sugar and other products and also its supplier of hydrocarbons, machineries and other goods. In 1990 her comrade Daniel Grouse loses the power and since then the sandinistas have not returned to govern Nicaragua. In spite of its isolation, I castrate avoided a rise Eastern Europe type because their main opponents were outside the island and to that the majority of the population compared its standard of life with the one of the rest of Latin America that was under strong adjustments. Although the monetarists maintain that those reforms were essential to guarantee growth Chile type, certain it is that then these initially produced in many parts I close of companies and leisure, panorama that Fidel showed like a bad example the Cuban town.

Schtzelschen Wedding


A ring has various meanings in the modern world. Thus, rings are often seen as a symbol of a partnership or an amicable relationship. If two partners want to marry, the engagement rings are usually regarded as a symbol of eternal love. When two similar rings engagement rings are selected which are freely selectable in the design. A wedding band has the highest symbolic meaning of love. Since wedding rings are to be worn for life is spent here a lot more money. Gold rings and white gold rings are often used as a partner rings. Also in the field of wedding rings, silver is very popular. In all three diamonds, precious stones are used very much. Thus, the ring also gets a personal touch, often engraved with something. Often, the partner’s first name is engraved. The opportunities here are limitless, however. Even the nickname (for example Schtzelschen) the spouse is often taken as an early engraving. In addition, very often engraved with the date of the wedding or the first meeting. Ratherbest models are given away with friends. This certainly is due to address the well-known friendship rings a much younger audience (from 14 to about 20 years). Youth buyers prefer more of a good quality (but inexpensive) ring, that is stainless steel rings, or 925 silver. Even for purely aesthetic reasons to jewelry – rings like to buy. Optical are preferences for each other. While some consumers prefer a beautifulgemstone ring, would prefer to have other clients rather simple. For the fans of simple rings is a simple syllable ring is highly recommended. When a distinction is made between a ladies’ ring-ring and a ring master. Woman’s rings are usually designed fine, while the men – rings are usually abundant. Otherwise, there are no differences here, however. Since there are mainly in the “jewelry” large differences in the rates, which offers good prospects should be compared. For comparison, the prices not only the many dealers, but should include someProviders will be visited on the Internet. It is possible for each ring all the information available. If, despite the information or questions should be available, the telephone to make an outstanding customer service. Once the customer could opt for the right rings, guaranteed fast delivery. In most cases, the goods have already been requested by 3 to 5 days can be delivered. Despite the limited time, the shipping costs are relatively low.

The Martian Moons


The two moons are very small but very interesting and relatively near-Earth objects of study of Planetary Sciences. There are obviously of the gravity of the planet Mars captured small bodies in the asteroid belt. Their diameters are equal to 15 km for Deimos, the smaller, and 25 km for Phobos, the larger of the two satellites. They consist of a relatively loose mixture of silicate rocks and rock dust. Phobos is so light that he either be really porous, or must, however, are partly composed of water, even if such a date to at least on the surface could not be demonstrated. The orbits of the moons are nearly circular, and while Deimos orbits the planet in greater distance races Phobos in less than 10,000 km height in just seven hours on Mars. This is by far the smallest radius of the orbit of a satellite around its planet in the entire solar system. Phobos moves to the Roche’schen so designated limit, below which is being torn apart by the gravity of a moon of the planet and as a ringfrom boulders and dust around the mother’s body lays in the disintegration or crash and embarks on the planet. Rail calculations show that this fate of the satellite in the astronomical times threatens relatively short time of the next approximately 100 million years. Phobos is the only known moon, which rotates because of the short distance to the planet’s surface so rapidly that it overtakes the self-rotation of the planet and goes down on a seemingly retrograde path to the west and the east. Your own gravitational pull of Martian moons is very low and is hardly enough to protect the surface from erosion by particle radiation from the solar wind. In particular, therefore, Phobos moves in its orbit around Mars dust flag behind him. A person would weigh on each of the moons only a few grams


Sales Manager & Trainer (IHK)


In many companies, it lacks of qualified junior executives in the sales. Sales managers are needed who, have sufficient practical experience in the sale of business skills and management skills. In addition it is for sales managers of necessary part functions of training to take over. Training salespeople to junior managers should contain also a trainer training. Since 2003 this course of the BEST sales GmbH meets these requirements. The participants conclude with the regulated trade businessman for sales management (IHK) training \”from and gain the IHK certification trainer for continuing vocational training (IHK).\” It is a training in a blended-learning process. Education is about learning materials and tutor-led webinars.

The seminars serve the application of knowledge in planning games, primarily Role-play, case studies, and group tasks. Systematic action learning do, leads to the development of skills and training the ability of participants to solve problems better. The courses of BEST GmbH be performed at 6 locations in Germany and enjoy increasing popularity. To determine is not just new recruits take part on the course, but increasingly also active Verkaaufs and Sales Director take the opportunity of this training. 40% of the participants, employers finance the measure.

Private participants use largely to finance, the regulated part of the training, the promotion of AFGB. To learn about the sales manager & trainer training, of best GmbH. The BEST sales consulting GmbH was founded in 1992 by Bernd Stelzer and developed a concept for the training \”Expert advisers in the field (IHK)\” as the first provider. The book series \”The consultant in the field\”, published shortly after the very practice-oriented education concept and the multiple award training awards the BEST sales consulting helped GmbH to take over the leadership in this area. In 1996, followed by the training as a \”trade merchant for marketing (IHK)\”.In the development of the framework material plan for this profession by the IHK Dusseldorf, co-wrote the BEST GmbH and also became the leading party.

What Owes The Public Sector The Lenders And Recipients Of Subsidies?


Why switch not the public authorities owned economies? That would be a rewarding, both financially benefit from the rich and the poor. Federal, State and municipalities such as other companies and organizations of the public sector are welcome credit customers. Namely, you pay your old instalments with new debt. This is not only a quick ball system, as there are no better for banks and other lenders, but also a business which excludes the paying customers of any authority, to pay or not. The State monopoly of power, exercised by the police authorities for the tax authorities, ensures that all taxpayers pay. Authorities give just the business.

Responsible shall not be liable for their actions. But there’s something wrong. The tax law is so complicated that no man, not a tax expert, and no other measure is capable of precisely to realize that what is laid down. What can be expected from a simple tax law? It is realistic, in the Run by thirty years step by step to introduce a simple tax law, although no one can know in advance how it will evolve? There are a number of ideas 1 for years and there were even Governments on this planet that have introduced successfully simple tax law. But corruption has again thwarted good efforts over the course of years. A possible target for a simple tax 2 describes Hans Kolpak, initiator of as follows: 1 only entrepreneurs pay 10 per cent sales tax on products and services but only at the end of the value chain. Example: Net price is 100 euro. Plus 10 euro, VAT is the price of 110 euros.

2. non-entrepreneurs are tax-free. Wages and salaries are tax free. We have the most voters as a majority for this tax model. 3. There is no tax-reducing operating costs and no subsidies. Sales tax is the only tax survey form for products and services.

Eberhard Fabricius


The integrated applicant management by Peris 3010 standardized and accelerates processes and saves time and costs. It helps to make the electronic record of applicants make approval by the setting, and the first day of work as a single, unified process and decreases as routine work to the company. For the business valuation and high planning security, Peris 3010 offers an overview of the current values from wage and salary data, the targets, the expenses and the allowance. Through the integrated document management long searches for documents of the past on. Peris 3010 offers the opportunity to forgive freely definable categories for documents and to provide documents such as title, keyword, category, reference number, file number, or person with Keywording. With the import of data from unstructured text files, Peris 3010 offers a highly efficient tool, to include more information in the digital personnel file. So, read and transformed into text documents using OCR paper documents can be acquired and transferred easily mouse click in the database by PERSIS 3010 with scanner.

The powerful evaluation tool for lists, statistics, and evaluation helps the individual analysis of company data. With the modular software solutions of the AZS system is a sophisticated range of soft – and hardware components that are aligned exactly on the needs of public institutions, churches and administrations and efficiently bridge islands of information. In addition there is AZS system AG, with access control, including access control readers, biometric systems, digital cylinders and digital hardware, visitor management, Alarmanlagenscharf – and -disarming, building management and video integration for more software and hardware solutions and add-on modules. These are merged with existing hardware to integrated overall solutions depending on the need and requirement case. About AZS system AG, the AZS system AG with headquarters in Hamburg is one of the leading systems integrators for comprehensive and complex solutions in the areas of personnel management, personnel information, time recording, access control and security technology. The perfect interplay of hardware and software customers from administration, public service, industry and Commerce received the complete system solution from a single source. Since its inception AZS itself in 1989 as an independent system and consulting for integrated solutions. More than 1000 installed systems at major companies have been successfully installed in more than 20 years.

AZS has consistently on these solutions aligned. Personnel management and information system business AZS support public institutions and management companies in the design of individual, freely customizable working time arrangements. The use of terminals and intelligent software increases productivity in the production data acquisition, which collect all important data of personal and operational events and process them. AZS is represented with 12 sales and service centres nationwide in all of Germany and of Switzerland – and certainly also in your vicinity. Contact: Eberhard Fabricius AZS system AG Muhlendamm 84a 22087 Hamburg phone: 040 / 22 66 11 fax: 040 / 22 76 753

Selenne Business Intelligence


Selenne Business Intelligence expands its layers of operability and autonomy in the world of BI, there is no doubt that this business solution causes profound changes in the entrepreneurial mindset and strikes at the core of the management of the companies. The generation of KPIs, Dashboards, using methodologies different like Kaplan and Norton or strategic maps-based indicators, oriented and positively revolutionize the key decisions of the companies. In everyday life we are accustomed to measure everything that we do, we weigh, we calculate the kilometres remaining to reach a destination, we observe how much gasoline have in the car or if the temperature is at the appropriate levels. However, despite being accustomed to constant measurements of daily life in the business world, we measure short and often incomplete. Selenne Business Intelligence improves its interfaces and uses the most advanced charts and gauges that allow autonomy in decisions for the selection of indicators and implementation underway. This information revolution is It is accompanied by practical, and flexible systems where dynamic analyses are essential to the navigations. Key can be summarized in three steps: have data / information / knowledge. As relevant information for immediate advances of Selenne Business Intelligence solution, you are working on the incorporation of Data Mining options aimed at segmenting the information through processes that enhance the study of information.

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