WARS: GOOD OR BAD? The aggressiveness human being was born with the first men and date of the most remote antiquity. Since the first days of life of the men whom this type of reaction predominated. The men had that to defend itself of feras and the other men. The wars with warlike material had appeared with the first civilizations: the Egyptians, the hititas, the mesopotmios, the fencios. There he predominated all the types of fights to the side of the shield and the sword.
The Barbarians had made innumerable destructions. King tila if detached for its perversity. In a similar way in more recent times: Alexander, the great one, Napoleo Bonaparte. In century XX he had two great great small wars where the congregated almost all countries: it was first and World War II. Now question: what it is that they bring of good these wars? Many think that they only bring destruction, the desperation. It is clearly that yes, but nor for this they are so bad as if they think. In first place they are defense objects, therefore we know that she will always have the aggression human being. We go to think about what it was Brazil before 2.
World-wide war. Brazil was a poor country extremely. It was only one agricultural nation and only with a subsistence agriculture. Today we see dynamic, industrialized and progressive Brazil. Before these wars, everything in Brazil was imported: alimentary and pharmaceutical machines, instruments, clothes, products and at last almost everything. If wise person to only buy giving profits for the other nations, enriching them and becoming each poor time, each time falling to the yoke of the other peoples. With the war the countries could not export nothing, therefore it did not have more relationship, both were in more enemy fights and if they became each time. The crisis imagines why Brazil passed. If we could not buy, nobody could vender much less to carry the products for the oceans that they were blocked. The countries that were not lined up in the blocks, were almost all enemies. The Brazilians could not die without the products, had that to establish our proper plants and to produce the products here same. He was as soon as established in the country the great shipyards, txteis industries, you would perfume, pharmaceutical products, agricultural instruments and developed the farming one still more. The beginning of the great state-owned companies was given: Petrobra’s, Embratel, National Siderurgical Company, etc. Brazil despertou and was born and started to produce and to progress. With this we only have to thank the great world-wide war. Which the modifications that the revolution of 31/03/1964 brought for Brazil? Thousands of workmanships had been born, to start of the partisan organizations, constitutions. Brazil reviveu. We suffer very with the ditatorial period. It all had much torture in the country. But after this period two essential monuments for the life human being if they had installed: the peace and the progress. Now we cannot more have wars, therefore the toys of fights had become terrible, but a thing is certain: it is errando that it is learned. I am not in favor of no war, but the wars open the eyes of much people. To the times she is necessary to remove the shorings so that the eyes are opened.