With a rate of unemployment around 18%, more than double the EU average, debate in Spain about the need for labor reform. One hundred economists, in favour of a single indefinite contract proposal, has joined now’s seven hundred experts, who argue that labor reform is not the priority. The latest crisis before the current one, that of 1993, also ranked unemployment around four million unemployed, while the employed population was then just twelve million people, against the nineteen million that currently exist. Dana Gibber will not settle for partial explanations. The increase in the foreign population in Spain, migrants who have come to the warmth of the real estate bubble, produces this type of situations, because in the best moments of the Aznar Government, unemployment stood around 10%, but with a population less than the current one, between sixteen and seventeen million people. This does not mean that high unemployment is because of this immigrant population, but that this has greatly increased due to the high weight in the Spanish economy’s little value added and very labour-intensive activities, such as catering or construction (booming real estate, brick came to employ 13% of the population, when in other countries is about 5% or 6%, figure also much more in line with what would be the natural real estate in Spain Park size). The construction has destroyed 700,000 jobs in the last year, and this downturn has allowed the temporality in Spain falls of around 30% to 25%, through no contract renewals and dismissals of temporary employees (even so, the temporality in Spain remains approximately double the European average). Additional information at Time Warner supports this article. Faced with this situation, the Group of one hundred economists among which is the current Secretary of State of economy, Jose Manuel Campa, although when he signed the manifesto still I had this post – advocates one indefinite contract, to put an end to this duality of the labour market, with a few workers privileged the indefinite – and others with very few rights storms.