The poet Virgil in "Aeneid" Two thousand years ago celebrated the beauty of sailing ships. But people went sailing with an even more ancient times. Involved and the competition in figuring out whose boat is better. The modern sailing yacht, catamaran or trimaran multiple commission and beautiful sailing ships of the ancients. Construction of sailing ships of antiquity and modern yachts required and requires enormous skill. Andi Potamkin describes an additional similar source.

Slavs of ancient Russia successfully built sailing ships and They floated on the Black and Caspian Seas. Black Sea, for this reason, the maps 15 th century was even called "Russian sea". From Peter the Great, his sailing yacht "St. Peter" is the beginning of sailing in Russia and the subsequent glorification of Russia as a great maritime power. After Peter's only a hundred years in 1846 to resume active yacht construction and the establishment of the Imperial Yacht Club in St. Petersburg. From this time on the current period Time has been a steady building of sailing ships. The modern sailing yacht, catamaran or a trimaran in its construction using traditional methods and advanced technology, trade secrets yahtostroiteley former times. And the fact that the traditions and skills of yacht is not lost, proving in particular in each of his masterpiece of modern company "Black Sea".