Before this quite worrisome reality for the Venezuelans, the investors, for the same the consumers, require themselves that the corrective measures are taken, action that they rescue to the SMEs, the enterprise sector and they get up in the economic dynamics of the country guaranteeing productivity, operativity. To the withdrawn futures about the program of postgraduate of the specialty of management of the quality and Productivity, about Phases of the University of Carabobo, especially regarding Chair of managemental Topics, this reality worries to him seriously, for it, have organized forums, seminaries, that debate on this situation, thus, some comment, that it is a certain fact and no secret, the situation of risk and uncertainty that live the Venezuelan companies at the moment. And this mainly must to the political speech of the president lieutenant colonel Cold Hugo Chavez, that it deserves preoccupation by his actions, laws, decrees, that it seemed to attempt against the private property and where a disinterestedness culture is promoted towards the work; giving step a climate of tension in the organizations, that is reflected in its productivity, the necessity to concern products, to cause that some companies close. Position cannot be denied is of the public opinion and they show the registries to it, national statistics, the stop unemployment index that is had generated years in the last, as well as the appearance of a great number of micro-enterprises, that when not counting on the necessary tools, leave the scene, losing the position of the conquered market and to others, it is difficult to stay to them in spite of the products that offer, considering the changes, that since we have made reference they come giving to an accelerated rate, not allowing in some its stabilization, particularly because they were not prepared for it, that guarantees permanence to them..
SMEs Productivity
October 19, 2017 by