Tag Archives: trade

What Is Bubble Wrap


Bubble wrap is also called bubble wrap bubble wrap is a common packaging material with low density which consists of plastic (polyethylene) and the variable structure for the different transport requirements of individual industrial activities is suitable. Depending on the desired power rating can be selected between two – or three-ply bubble wrap which also has different properties. The upper position is the function of a film. In the lower or middle foil bubble are incorporated on a regular basis, achieving the various protective functions. The three-layer air cushion foil distinguishes itself by a second cover and optimally protects shipping items.

Bubble wrap is used among others in the packaging of fragile and sensitive items. Depending on the type of goods to be delivered can, colloquially sometimes called bubble wrap, plastic cushioning against impact damage or void fill against denting of the Package or packet is used. . Still, this packaging material protects against unwanted movements of the product during the transport. Excellent protection against scratching and breakage of the goods to be delivered is thus secured. Anti-static bubble wrap can be used for the delivery of electrical equipment. It also prevents static-electricity discharge of the goods. PET/aluminium coated bubble wrap is available as a solution for the transport of sensitive goods, which impact by temperature fluctuations should be avoided for available. To provide the optimal solution for the most diverse products each, can be chosen from bubble wrap with different sized air pockets. The thickness of plastic foils can be selected still in bubble wrap.

University Clinic BPA


Company Cashrollen focuses on healthy cash register rolls according to media reports, obtain some supermarket cash register rolls of dealers, whose Papier have an excessive proportion of Bisphenol A (BPA). The synthetic substance is hormone-active with estrogen-like effect. Similar to the female sex hormone (estradiol) it affects the hormonal State of the human body and can lead to health burdens. The cash register rolls retailer Cashrollen sells therefore only cash roll products that are classified as safe. The healthy recipe”of the Hamburg-based company is that it opts for high quality and toxicological virtually uncontaminated paper. For around 50 years, medical research focuses on the health risks posed to humans in contact with the substance of BPA. The recent scientific findings show that a daily intake of 50? g/kg body weight is tolerable. BPA also occurs in food.

The European food safety authority (EFSA) concluded however, that the amounts transferred to the people below the tolerable upper intake level remains. Thus, a sufficient safety clearance for consumers, including infants and fetuses is guaranteed. Exceeding this value, as at the cash register rolls studied in the laboratory, were observed adverse effects to the human body. Whether in contact with cash register rolls a health endangerment, thus depends on the total amount of BPA as an ingredient. The BPA content in the Thermokassenrollen of Cashrollen amounts to less than two percent and thus meets the provisions of the food and supplies subject to law (LMBG), which was confirmed by toxicological and physical examinations. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Paul Ostling has to say. Cash register rolls dealer in frequent contact the practical use of Thermorollenpapiers from hamburger does not entail adverse reactions the dermatological analysis at a University Clinic to 20 test persons The supermarket visitors has a Entitlement to safe receipt. Therefore, we offer our retailers only Thermokassenrollen which comply with the legal requirements regarding the share of BPA. The customers at the ticket offices of our market partners receive only healthy “purchasing documents.”, explains Martin Damaszek, Managing Director Cashrollen.

China Telecom Europe


The tele coming University action provider PFALZKOM MANET decides collaboration with China Telecom (Europe) Ltd. To read more click here: Coen Brothers. With the China Telecom Europe, the leading telecommunications company in Asia, a new collaboration was decided. Due to the coupling of the PFALZKOM MANET network available the company sourced new connectivity to the far East. With 31 offices in China as well as global nodes which offers China Telecom worldwide highly available communication services, which now also PFALZKOM MANET customers new possibilities. Since the daily exponentially increasing data flow of business quick links between Europe and Asia, requires flexible and of course secure connections, bandwidth in the international as well as 700 GB in the intra-China backbone, as to the scope of services such as redundant IP solutions include IP network transit with up to 400 GB. Read more here: Coen Brothers. This is realised with connections on the sea but also on land. The big advantage is right here. Transit routes from the European Backbone lead out to the major cities in China and the Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan.

Among other things also to India, Korea and Japan. Therefore time delays be reduced, E.g. from Frankfurt to Shanghai by up to 40% compared to the sea connection. Voice, data and video services can be transferred even independently simultaneously. Global sports events or video transmission systems, as E.g. in the medical field or in online conferencing systems, in cooperation with the China Telecom is already easily performed can. It is thus the opportunity to reach branches or business partners directly and without more service providers through the common point of the coupling with the China Telecom from now on.



Transactions secure by suction instead of pressure! Sellers who always just (have to) sell have a hard lot. Those who buy are more successful and happier. The success principle, which is also accessible with the corresponding strategies is suction instead of printing”. How can you so sexy your product to make, make your offer so tempting, that your customer has a magnetic purchase request? Which to wake a compelling interest? If you do that, you have the full attention of your customers in the sales pitch. Customers are so different. In the sales pitch, it is therefore not possible to act only with a learned strategy successfully.

Only if you succeed as a seller, to delve into the deepest patterns of your customers, you can assess them faster and better respond to him and his desires. With the help of special keywords and language patterns you can stage an exceptional presentation and achieve a lasting effect, your customers Enchanted and your product / service makes it irresistible. Why we trees can put in perfect condition state management at its finest! The quality of your life is the quality of your communication to the outside as well as inside. Therefore, it is also so important that you are in top condition. Feel good at what you do and say or feel good to less with what you hear or see.

Stop! Because, what you feel is and remains always your decision! Good and bad there are not, there are always issues from our past. There are two ways to manage the condition: put yourself in my physical condition would be. Because: Our body is the mirror of our mood. What you’re feeling, based on what you think. The most important method is to control your thoughts, the use of questions, such as how was my first kiss?” And you will have a completely different face.

Munich Placed SHB Funds


“Attractive, long-term leased office and commercial properties offer good returns on January 31, 2009 the SHB innovative fund concepts AG Furstenfeldbruck and Munich Fund KG objects has the SHB innovative fund concepts GmbH & co. with its fifth Fund,” the equity capital placement prospects completed successfully as. The Fund has a prospektiertes equity capital of EUR 167 million and a total investment volume of EUR 359 million. He was laid in April 2007 and is investing in four commercial and leased out large estate in Munich and Furstenfeldbruck. With this placement result SHB was able to position again himself last year on a top position among the suppliers of closed-end real estate funds with German objects.

“Continue, the demand for profitable real estate is large and the market offer very limited, so we present an attractive alternative with our Fund”, says Thomas Vogel as Director sales of the SHB innovative fund concepts AG. The Group offers targeted funds already since 2001 German Office and commercial real estate to. With these SHB will allow investors, security-oriented asset class of over the long term of Office and commercial real estate in Germany to expand its portfolio. Real Estate Fund has designed with a projected total investment volume of around EUR 1.8 billion since inception SHB. With the rapid sale of the Fund we have also shown in particular against the background of a market environment has become more difficult, that we succeeded our partners in the sales, to present the advantages of the SHB real estate Fund targeted”, added bird. The distribution is supported by five different types of participation that allow one time investors as well as rate savers to participate in Office and commercial real estate managed by the benefits and long term rental in best locations. Half-yearly dividends and an early capital repayment option for some types of participation complement the offer. SHB innovative fund concepts AG the SHB is one of the leading bank-independent fund initiators in the German investment market. You sets nationwide closed-end real estate funds and invested in completed and leased commercial properties in major cities. Since its inception in 2001, the SHB has already designed a fund investment volume of EUR 1.8 billion.

Web Shop Successfully Launched


A successful first year of the Web shop of Dr. Jacob GmbH the Web shop of Dr. Jacob GmbH has been launched successfully on the 15.6.2009. “Changing the homepage on the new Web shop went smoothly!” said Till Jacob project manager. Increased the turnover of the company and also it is thus present on the German market as a whole. In the last six months was now increasingly worked on the setting of new products and the information pages.

“We want to convey the appropriate information regarding the correct use of our products our customers who order only via our Web shop. So we have the description of the different cleaning methods on our pages, so that our customers can choose the right products before ordering, as they can turn in these cases not directly to our in-house consultants.”says the senior Dr. J. Jacob, who actively supported the project of his sons and promotes. For more information, Sven Jacob

Comprehensive Relaunch


Comprehensive relaunch of Europe printing printing portal for brochures, flyers, writing pads and much more European printing company undergoing a complete revision. In addition to the basic optical, technical innovations and a more efficient operation are available on the task list. The stated goal is, with the new product configurator many more print products quickly and efficiently to calculate the brochures, flyers, writing pads. The costing mask was addressed in the first phase of the revision. If you can choose solely with the calculation of brochures in several papers and finishing options, one made now much easier to read the selection with the new functions and structure.

The information provided about the products such as brochures, notepads, flyers are more comprehensive than before, at the same time due to a clear outline they are housed and quickly access ready in place. In addition make the preview images attention to print specifications and visualize, for example, the folding kind of the flyer or the gate, the brochures need to be printed correctly. Completely revised was also the protected customer account. This area received a new clear structure. Thus, all relevant information about the orders such as for example the processing status of ordered brochures or the managed billing addresses are quickly found. 2 development of the new concept for the nutzerfeundliche online ordering is now completed by brochures, flyer, letter blocks, and other printed matter. Now it is in the implementation. The relaunched website end of February 2010 to be unlocked. Contact: Westfalia Druck GmbH Eggertstr. 17 33100 Paderborn, Tel.: 05251 / 180 41-511 fax: 05251 / 180 41-410 press contact: Klaudia Kojzar

Advertisng Division


With the new catalogue for cosmetics, another music now plays his inspiration has found the new catalogue plastic packaging for cosmetics by Bormioli Rocco for the masters of classical music and their heroines. Division plastics expressing their devotion to Verdi, Puccini and Rossini, as well as their masterpieces in a very special way: each line named after a famous opera – Aida, Traviata, butterfly, Tosca and Ermione, while the corresponding product category, so bottles, Schaumspruher and roll-ons, features the names of the composers. The new edition is characterised by rich content and a revised graphics. There is plenty of space for the latest materials, that application for plastics in the Division, in particular the biodegradable Recyclingharze and Bio-plastics. But there’s more.

The standard lines wrap now festive color to the creativity to conquer and bring in the right light. And there are numerous opportunities, yet also precious to personalize the containers: The decor on the wide range of colours and the soft-touch effect for a complete sensory experience of the consumer up to the Braille as support for lack of vision. And finally an example of results including the group in relation to designs, materials, design, colors, and communicative skills came some of the numerous realizations by Bormioli Rocco for well-known brands in the beauty industry to a beautiful conclusion to bring here. From the passion for the product, the attention to detail and a strong tendency towards research and innovation Division new cosmetics catalogue was plastics. Discover the latest news from the new: download the pdf version of the Web page. Contact: layout Web, layout Advertisng group public relation Department Simona Bonati e-mail:

Individual Exhibits


With the help of modern technology, innovative design and the targeted use of multimedia, especially individual exhibits for trade shows produced here. MKT AG the company in over 30 years of company history of the company MKT AG starting from his headquarters in Olching near Munich for numerous customers from industry, the service sector, but also for architecture offices and cultural facilities worked successfully. The speciality of the company is the visualization of complex and technically complex operations and constructions. Milestones in the corporate history the company was established in 1976 and already reached the first major milestone in the company’s history in 1981, when the MKT AG by the Bavarian car company BMW commissioned to create the Central exhibit of the Group at the international motor show in Frankfurt. Since this initial collaboration has matured the MKT AG as a strategic partner of BMW AG and is until today many individual exhibits for trade shows and more appearances of the BMW of brand here. In addition to numerous orders for the BMW Group has the MKT AG also successfully worked for a competitor in the automobile sector and for Daimler AG smart visualized technical operations around the model. What services does the MKT AG in detail? From the first concept to the wishes of the customer and the development in close cooperation on the technical realization and the always accompanying service delivers the MKT AG all steps for the individual exhibit for measurement of a competent and experienced hand.

The MKT AG has numerous in-house workshops, each specialising in a particular material. Also the finishing of surfaces is carried out in the own paint shop in the upper Bavarian Olching. In the special workshop in the area, “electronic control system design” eventually comes movement in the artistic as well as informative designed individual exhibits for fairs. On the basis of the internationally popular hub for logistics and air freight, the Munich Airport, shipped and assembled the MKT AG their individual exhibits for trade shows around the world. In an own camp of over 4000 square meters, the exhibits are maintained, repaired if necessary, weekdays made and properly stored on customer’s request for the time before the next fair usage. Contact information: MKT AG Industriestrasse 1 82140 Olching phone: + 49 (0) 8142-65255 0 fax: + 49 (0) 8142-65255 71 Internet: