Tag Archives: society & social issues

The Issue Of Debt Is A Taboo Subject.


Visit us also on debt counselling krefeld-vitovec.de and consult free of charge! The man stands for Bernhard Vitovec since 1989 at the Centre his professional activity. So the initiative pending insolvency Valdez from many years of experience out 2007 a – everything – summary new companies. As an initiative, it is for – Bernhard Vitovec – good of course regional and supra-regional contacts and maintain to make further measures for the affected people. By the same author: Glenn Dubin. Here, we offer new courage in a situation that generally indicate the faint of embossed life situation and that if not even traumatic can be incisive, in their social and economic complexity of the victims in many cases many people affected. So, debt will lead in addition to massive, social and psychological problems that often go hand in hand with drive loss, disorientation, depression, and addiction. Here assistance is immediately Noten.Hier we run for this reason with strong partners interviews on the subject of debt and insolvency.

Not a penny costs the advice! This one deals increasingly with the – personal / emotional issues for affected people. According to the demands of the Council seeking, an extensive and individual service offered. This includes a detailed consultation on the process of debt relief including in the context of the insolvency proceedings and the optimal approach for the intended for the main task. The initiative offers also still further, mediating measures including self-help, addiction treatment and help for self-help. Furthermore, Vitovec cooperates with self-help groups and is even a contact address for addiction issues.

Mr Vitovec believes that the earlier uses the debtor help, the greater is the chance that misconduct by economic as well as health and the serious consequences it against control to. Before but the debt but in addition to massive, social and psychological problems lead, you should seek professional help. Because even in the debt trap possibilities of economic and social stability. Initiative insolvency Vaidyanathan

Federal Ministry


Each individual site will be tested prior to a possible closure. The number of permanent closures can be found in the table below. Reduction compared to previous year (absolute) 2009 7140-215 2008 7355 236 2007-7591-192 question 6) which instruments or procedures has the Federal Ministry of finance and the tobacco monopoly administration, the structure of the tobacco shops, change or develop? For the design of the structure of the tobacco shop in 1996 following instruments available are as a result of the tobacco monopoly law: in accordance with 24 TabMG can be built under certain conditions an additional tobacco shop. In particular, an urgent need is exemplifying required and must appear excluded a non reasonable yield reduction of adjacent tobacconists. The latter also applies to the transfer of the location of a newsstand within its catchment area. Furthermore the possibility not to occupy completed tobacconists or to carry out a conversion of the newsstand kind by a tobacco retail outlet in a tobacco shop or from a tobacco store in a tobacco shop TabMG according to 25 paragraph 8 1996.

Especially in the case of a Nichtnachbesetzung no longer given profitability or a reduction of the yield potential by external circumstances (E.g.: changes in traffic flows, loss of suppliers of frequency or important secondary article groups, for example, in the field of gambling, shift in shopping habits) a cushion for the outgoing Trafikanten may be granted by support from the structural funds and solidarity. These services are but granted only in cases where the expectant free” Sales potential neighboring tobacconists can be structurally strengthened. Often, thus ensuring the economic basis of existence for a disability goes hand in hand.

What Owes The Public Sector The Lenders And Recipients Of Subsidies?


Why switch not the public authorities owned economies? That would be a rewarding, both financially benefit from the rich and the poor. Federal, State and municipalities such as other companies and organizations of the public sector are welcome credit customers. Namely, you pay your old instalments with new debt. This is not only a quick ball system, as there are no better for banks and other lenders, but also a business which excludes the paying customers of any authority, to pay or not. The State monopoly of power, exercised by the police authorities for the tax authorities, ensures that all taxpayers pay. Authorities give just the business.

Responsible shall not be liable for their actions. But there’s something wrong. The tax law is so complicated that no man, not a tax expert, and no other measure is capable of precisely to realize that what is laid down. What can be expected from a simple tax law? It is realistic, in the Run by thirty years step by step to introduce a simple tax law, although no one can know in advance how it will evolve? There are a number of ideas 1 for years and there were even Governments on this planet that have introduced successfully simple tax law. But corruption has again thwarted good efforts over the course of years. A possible target for a simple tax 2 describes Hans Kolpak, initiator of NationalPartei.eu as follows: 1 only entrepreneurs pay 10 per cent sales tax on products and services but only at the end of the value chain. Example: Net price is 100 euro. Plus 10 euro, VAT is the price of 110 euros.

2. non-entrepreneurs are tax-free. Wages and salaries are tax free. We have the most voters as a majority for this tax model. 3. There is no tax-reducing operating costs and no subsidies. Sales tax is the only tax survey form for products and services.