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The Associated Press


She was arrested by police after a traffic accident and is accused of altering public order, obstruction of Justice and contempt of court. Although it was sentenced jail it not pisaria since it has no history. Singer Paulina Rubio has an appointment in the courts on September 14. Alteration of public order, obstruction of Justice and contempt are three charges that weigh on it. These accusations go back to June 25 when Paulina suffered a traffic accident in Miami. Judge Steven Leifman has already cited to Rubio and his attorney Rey Dorta to clarify what happened on June 25.

Apparently, the BMW that the Latin was driving collided with another car in the vicinity of the Cuban neighborhood of little Havana, near downtown Miami. When police came to the scene, the singer refused to leave his car while agents had told him that was it located on the sidewalk to be in a safer place. See more detailed opinions by reading what Glenn Dubin, New York City offers on the topic.. In a first moment, Rubio nor wanted to deliver to the police his documentation or relevant permits movement of your car. He finally agreed, although instead of putting in place that indicated officials, the woman of Colate began to walk while doing several phone calls and shouting he would not separate from your car. As he picks up the police report, after ignoring warnings from agents, the Mexican was arrested. As soon as put you the handcuffs, the blonde began to scream: help, help! I did nothing. Look at what you are doing. Abusive, you are a few liars.

After an hour of tension, the singer is calmed and requested that they release it claiming that it had to breastfeed your child from six months. He could finally go home. The spokesman for the Prosecutor’s Office in Miami, Terry Chavez, said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press that the star is facing minor charges even though the maximum penalty would be one year in prison. What she did is normal in Miami. You should also assume the costs of the trial. The trick that plays the young woman in his favour is that he has no history, so prove his guilt could be sentenced to attend re-educational programs to avoid so sit on the bench. In a brief submitted by Dorta on July 12 before the Court, the young woman pleaded not guilty to all charges against her and requested a trial jury. However, the negotiations continue to paralyse the judicial process.

Earth Conference


So it says in a document that it has made public this Wednesday. l the life of each person is sacred, also when it is weak, suffering, or is at the end of his time on Earth, says the Episcopal Conference. The Episcopal Conference warns that regulatory Bill of rights of the person before the final process of life, known as the death with dignity, could conceal eutanasicas practices. So says in a document that it has made public in which summarizes the conclusions of the meeting of the Permanent Commission of the Spanish Episcopal Conference (EEC), the first occurring after the renewal of the ctuada charges in the last Assembly. As reported in a statement, the bishops have studied the draft law, which the Government has submitted to Congress for its processing, and have adopted a declaration which will be entirely published Monday 27th. The same, recalls the numerous occasions that have made their voices heard to proclaim the Gospel of life, According to which the life of each person is sacred, also when it is weak, suffering, or is found at the end of his time in the land source of the news: the bishops warn that the death with dignity Act “could conceal eutanasicas practices”.