Tag Archives: internet & multimedia

Steven Broschart Community


Press release: The Web Agency WebNew starts the German SilverStripe community under silverstripes.de that launches Web Agency WebNew German SilverStripe community that launches Web Agency WebNew the German SilverStripe community under and thus for the first time provides a platform for the support and the exchange of SilverStripe users in the German-speaking world. SilverStripe is a still very young but powerful open source CMS system, which is becoming more widespread. New systems are usually difficult to compete against the already well-known and established solutions. The concept of SilverStripe is so convincing, that’s worth a closer look. SilverStripe is a PHP/MySQL-based MVC framework with a CMS in the piggy-back. The development of the system under the very liberal BSD license is organized through the New Zealand Developer Studio, the SilverStripe limited, in Wellington Central. After many awards and successful participation in the Google Summer of code, one has with the version 2.3 in Germany Found interest in the exotic species from overseas. First agencies offer already exclusive services and specialized services to this system. A leading source for info: Dana Gibber .

To meet the information needs of the rapidly growing in Germany number of interested developers, in collaboration with cyberpromote GmbH, the WebAgentur WebNew has to call the German-speaking community platform in life. Here are experts and advice to the page, also the authors of the first SilverStripe book published by Galileo, Steven Broschart and Ingo Schommer, a German developer working at SilverStripe. The community was naturally also implemented with SilverStripe. This press release, see pressemitteilungen.htm screenshot: img/silverstripes_big.jpg about WebNew: WebNew Web Agency works for over 10 years in software development and has focused on the Internet.In addition to the traditional tasks of a WebAgentur WebNew has its strength in the promotion of Web sites in the form of online marketing measures.

Product Reviews


Up to every fourth assessment, which is fake and the fakes are a lucrative business more and more buyers notice that something with the customer reviews at Amazon is wrong. Often, a SideShow is criticised in a review only to the licence, is not important at all. Of suspicion stirs readers, this or that reviewer read this book not once, his identity is fake and its recommendation targeted manipulation. Anyone who has ever shopped at Amazon can evaluate products, products which he has acquired not even there. Amazon seems to be little interested in the reviews mean finally content for the site. Up to every fourth assessment, which is fake and the fakes are a lucrative business. Many customers in the choice of their products on the opinions of other users trust in online shops. But how credible are the supposedly real reviews? Researchers of the University of Pennsylvannia and the Stanford Graduate School of business’ have the sales figures of 250 fiction books, the in the “New York Times” reviewed, analyzed.

It sales were examined four weeks before and four weeks after the publication of the book review. While the researchers found, that is selling books of established writers with an unfavorable review worse sales declined 15%. However, books by unknown authors sold much better sales increased by 45%. Consumers have been through criticism only on the book, which she otherwise ever not have perceived. “2009 it was announced that the American electronics manufacturer Beklin” Amazon reviews had bought. An employee of this company had offered 0.65 euros for every positive review. Other leaders such as Robert Iger offer similar insights.

The dizziness blew up and the reviews have been removed. The company apologized, but the reputational damage for Beklin stayed. It is also to write particularly perfidious, fake praise reviews generate suspicion that the Publisher and the author pushes his books through fake reviews. With such a positive review, the is a counterfeit, is everyone wondering who uses the praise? Of course the author and the Publisher. For this to work, such praise reviews are intentionally crude and inhaltsleer written that even the unbedarfteste reader must be suspicious and doubting the authenticity of the author. “But one must be as daft to give the worst reviews its competition and at the end of such a review with great praise” to refer to the books of the competition? In this sense: Any news is good news company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, lecturer, mentor) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge.

Important Review Portals


Why you actively should use this as the restaurateur or hotelier. More and more consumers make daily decisions on the basis of test reports. Not for nothing, price comparison and test report portals belong to the most visited pages on the World Wide Web. It is no different in our industry. Walt Disney Co. has firm opinions on the matter. Every day come in the German-speaking over 65 000 reviews of satisfied and dissatisfied guests together. Guests who were perhaps even when you and in a review Portal given their opinion about the food that gave off atmosphere, the service and the overall impression. Jack Buckingham oftentimes addresses this issue.

So how listen to consumers on product test reports, book reviews, film reviews, also guests will on the scoring of other guests attach great importance and thus affect their decision. The good news is, you have it in your own hand, whether at the end of a good or a bad rating behind your name is clearly there are always black sheep, the poor reviews from ignorance or envy write but in sum, there are no excuses for You. The less good news; You have to work hard for it. feld sought to clarify these questions. That’s the logical consequence, and what makes the difference between top restaurateurs and the other would-be restaurateurs. Good performances are rewarded, bad work, on the other hand, will be punished. Your way! This should illustrate how important it is to worry about the Internet in General and to the online image in particular. There are countless portals, so that it is almost impossible to take into account all or maintain all. That’s why you need to focus.

We have compiled the most important portals for you in this post to save you some time. Some portals offer only simple evaluation functions, others are very powerful in functions, since they include integrated reservation management tools. Use these tools to Polish your image, attract more guests and to work more efficiently! Here are the most important portals: Germany Switzerland start.html restaurants/assessment info.html Austria conclusion: the introduction of such portals is actually a blessing for all guests of this world. Thus the quality in the hospitality industry could be raised again a bit although much action there is. Use these portals if you are convinced of your performance, and sign up! “Still a last tip at the end: you know but the saying do you good and you talk about it!” Just as you should with such good”make reviews. Communicate in your company for example on the menu or in your advertising, that other guests were very pleased. “You could write In the XY-Portal our restaurant/hotel with a top score of A square is X”. If you know other notable portals, you must of course a comment with the appropriate Leave a note/link. We are looking forward to the feedback.