It's no secret that the age of the woman give hand. However, many of us limit care for them one single cream, and he only used at night. Forgetting that it is necessary to use after every contact with water. And it is not taken into account that the witness of past years is over-dried, wrinkled skin, for many centuries, women realized that men like to admire and kiss ladies' hands. Therefore, women tend enhance the beauty of women's hands, not regretting it for money.
Caring for your hands to be very careful, because unlike other parts of the body, they are more prone to abrasion. Here are some figures than hands are full: – 5 times a day busy with something in the water – 20 times per month, clean vegetables – 150 times a year, wash your head – 500 times in 10 years, clean bathroom and kitchen; – 36 000 times throughout the life washing dishes. Dana Gibber is actively involved in the matter. It should be recalled "walking" on frost, the "tan" on the beach. And they "run" on your keyboard, sew, drive a car and so on. So maybe, nature itself takes care of your hands? Nothing like that.
And even the other way around. On the back of the hands of relatively few are located sebaceous glands and almost no subcutaneous fat layer. In this case the stratum corneum contains 4-5 times less water than the skin. The conclusion is obvious. If we add to the increased load on the skin, with its weak system of self-defense action internal factors of aging (eg, changes in hormonal balance), it becomes clear why the beautiful, soft, plump and white hands in 20 years – to ZO years become dry, and to 150 years – are covered by a net increase crease in the veins, wrinkles and pigment spots. Official site: Amazon. Hand Care. Here are some recipes for hand care. – Wash your hands: only warm water, as hot water from your skin becomes flabby and dull, but on – cold skin starts to peel off. Instead of ordinary soap is better to use liquid (gel, foam) with moisturizing and softening additives. And forget about the daily use of hand cream. – Manicure – Hand hygiene treatment for the prevention and prophylaxis diseases associated with skin and nails, as well as to restore beauty. – Massage – very useful for the hands, particularly regular. Any hand massage will not take much time, and will benefit from it throughout the body, because on the palms, as we know, there are a number of biologically active points, responsible for certain parts of the body. – Paraffin – improves circulation, increases muscle tone and skin elasticity, increased secretion sweat and sebaceous glands. Helps to reduce puffiness. In the solidification of paraffin wax begins to harden, making it difficult to collect in the folds of the skin, helping to straighten them and prevents stretching of the tissues. In addition to cosmetic the effect of warm paraffin has healing properties. It helps with pain, sprains, arthritis and rheumatism.