For information about the history of development of table tennis is not clear. Some experts believe that it originated in Asia – in Japan or China, but most historiographers sports, including Japanese and Chinese, like oprovergayut.Tem statement, however, home games with rackets, shapes, balls, held in special venues, is East Asia. In China, on the walls of the summer residence of the emperors, the Summer Palace, you can see the picture, showing that in the Middle Ages (5-17st.) played there in a game reminiscent of table tennis. Researchers at Japan's sports argue that at the same time in Japan there was a popular game that can be considered a primitive form of desktop tennisa.No most experts are inclined to the theory that table tennis has appeared in England as a kind of Royal Tennis. In Europe, Britain and France in the XVI century, it became a fun game without the rules. Preserved drawings, in which you can see the game of those times when we played rackets with strings similar to those now made in the ordinary, so-called big, tennis. Played Nature, on the grassy ploschadkah.Dovolno soon she moved to an open air room – played on the floor.

Later, a play on two tables located at some distance from one another. A little more time, and two halves of the table have been shifted. Between them stretched grid. This kind of game has become popular in Evrope.A to replace the game came in the premises of table tennis that developed in England in the late XIX century. First ball served cork from a champagne, a ball of feathers, and then a rubber ball. Rackets were made of wood covered with parchment, with a long handle, often inlaid with gold, ivory, precious woods. The new game was popular in aristocratic circles, among fans of the game of cricket. Cricket previously considered child's play, since it is not built for physical confrontation and does not require much effort.