The DocCheck AG is followed after more grip which is DocCheck AG the call for more grip in the investor communication the reputation and has spread now publicly their annual report in full length. Last Friday, the CEO of DocCheck AG, Frank Antwerpes, used the gu? discount weather conditions and brought the annual report of the company from 50 meters to complete development. At 15:15 local time took the Enthu? llungsaktion its course: after the numbers strong concoction on a rope was fixed, the Cologne businessman decided to follow the path of many DAX Board members but not with golden parachute, but with a rope down. More than 29 m continuous unfurled at the former grain silo in BRU? hl and granted a comprehensive insight into the figures 2012 of the DocCheck AG. The whole development action was accompanied by a team on the ground with the camera. High resolution images and a video are verfu from 31 July 2013? available. DocCheck AG in the open market of the Frankfurt Securities Exchange traded DocCheck AG has focused with its investments in the European healthcare market. Within this market, there are in the DocCheck group three priorities: agency business (antwerpes ag), access business (doccheck medical services GmbH) and trade (doccheck medical supplies and logistics).
Target the DocCheck AG is to verknu it Agency -, access – and the trading business? pfen and the various activities being attractive to bu? ndeln. Thus, it creates a unique offer in the healthcare market which allows our customers to find unusually creative communication, highly efficient target group access and professional logistics under one roof. From this market position out the DocCheck AG has a turnover of EUR 18.3 million with its 182 employees in 2012.