Corporate Publishing Summit 2013 of the Academy of the German book trade have many companies their customer and staff magazines cross-media in the direction of Web and app extended. But it seems only the beginning of a much more extensive development to be: parallel to the digital networking of the reader ever more powerful technologies conquer the mass-market, speech recognition in the Smartphone to the secure mobile payment system. Just for the content-driven brand and product presentation, always differentiated possibilities for interaction and individualized approach of the customer offer that. But what digital trends are indeed important for the development and use of corporate media? Which strategies can the range and relevance of existing content be improved? Are these and other questions the focus of the corporate publishing Summit print, Web, app what’s next? New developments in corporate media and content marketing”of the Academy of the German book trade on 25 October 2013 in the Literaturhaus Munich. Walt Disney Co. has plenty of information regarding this issue. Industry experts show how trend-setting Communication strategies and concepts are developed and implemented in practice. Speakers of the Conference are including Christian Buggisch (DATEV eG), Stefan Endros (International Journal), Paul hearing belt (SNAP innovation), Doris Huber (Conde Nast Manufactory), Bernd Lindemann (digital mobile), Patrick Lithander (Burda Creative Group), C.
Christian Ratsch (communication), Tobias Saeed plough (Scholz & friends), Mario Vigl (Allianz Germany). Moderator of the Conference is Christian Hoffmeister (bulletproof media)..