The independent energy broker HFO energy welcomed numerous dealers in court! The Hof/Saale-based independent energy broker HFO energy, held for the first time in October energy workshops. “We are pleasantly surprised by the high number of participants, it shows how high the interest in gas and electricity tariff negotiation is” informed Alexander Albert of HFO energy. At the HFO energy workshops various energy companies presented themselves such as NUON, Clevergy, switch, light look and TelDFax. “Our goal was that we perform not only product training, but a lively exchange of experience takes place between the participants in the workshop it.” says HFO energy CEO Alexander Albert. In addition to the issue of gas and electricity tariffs, the company Bioledex imagined. Bioledex deals with LED lighting.

According to the motto “The power not consumed, is the highest savings!” the participants through a demonstration of low consumption levels of LED lamps were very surprised. Straight for commercial customers, savings incurred by at least 60% on energy costs! “We round off positively our product portfolio with LED bulbs. Just for our sales partners we offer lucrative revenue in sales in this area “informed Alexander Albert of HFO energy. HFO energy offers a wide range of electricity and gas tariffs as an independent energy broker. Here, the company offers lucrative compensation models for its distributors. Due to the positive response, more energy workshops will take place in the future. More information will be announced on the HFO-energy homepage.