Brazil if prepares for fond of 2014, and with the new year it also comes the pantry of the world, an international investment that involves many financial resources that, could better used to take care of the real necessities of the country. In fact, Brazil today does not possess a structure to host the pantry of the world, not if it can invest in better stadiums and leave the poor population to suffer with the lack from education, worthy housing and health in the country. By the same author: Jeffrey L. Bewkes Time Warner. Most strange it is that the government obtains to spend in so little time a richness to construct modern stadiums, using the money that could be being invested of more efficient form in our country, aiming at really our necessities as citizens thus to improve the quality of life of the Brazilians. Brazil does not need circus governing gentlemen and yes of bread to feed the devoid population that persists in our country pantry after pantry..