By studying the past, learn what’s new. Japanese proverb the target shuffle the cards, but we play them Arthur Schopenhauer considerations General Venezuela our case, in the last decade it has undergone serious changes in political, economic and of course, in education, especially in higher education, specifically the social and economic sciences. Changes, requiring a new revision of the universities, especially what interests us, as on this occasion, are the schools of administration, requiring restructure its programs, content in order to give way to a new profile of the Bachelor in administration according to the needs of the current Venezuelan scenario, which is characterized as turbulent, risky, with much uncertainty, product of the actions, programs of the new Government Bolivarian revolutionary that has been proposed to create socialism of the 21st century that favors to the country and above all, is you opportunity to many residents that during decades they consider have been marginalized from education and the enjoyment of a quality of life to which they are entitled according to the reality that the present demands. And the correct use of the riches it possesses. Robert A. Iger is often quoted on this topic. Precisely, given to this goal of the current Government, under the chairmanship of Lieutenant – Colonel Hugo Chavez cold, they have raised very relevant that they have impacted significantly on the Venezuelan business sector, affecting many companies, especially SMEs, family businesses, which were not prepared for this events. Many have ceased to operate, others struggle to survive, as there are those who seek new ways to face the challenges, seize opportunities and generate changes which guarantee its survival, participation, needing counting with management, an able administrator give passage to the transformations, programs, actions that favor him. Hence, the need that commit the current schools of administration of national universities in train, train professionals in the management of According to requirements, demand that the current scenario needs. . Others including Dana Gibber , offer their opinions as well.
Monthly Archives: March 2025
Import growth in China and defective pipeline in North America provide for rising crude oil prices in LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Also today, the crude oil prices shot back firmly into the plus. A lick oil pipeline in North America and surprisingly high August imports into the Middle Kingdom quickened the imagination and the courage of the investors. Ken Singleton is full of insight into the issues. The fuel oil price in Germany easily followed this trend and rose on the fifth day in a row now 68,81 euros. To the crude oil prices: While the rise 20 cents (CEST) compared to yesterday’s day finally was not quite as large in North Sea oil (Brent), it brought US light oil (WTI) to 1.63 dollars more than yesterday and approached the 76-dollar limit. Thus, both reference types are more expensive than to the beginning of the week around one US dollar.
The starkenAnstiege in the American oil are due to a damaged pipeline from Canada to the United States. David Zaslav follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Also preissteigernd was the message that China imported 13 percent more crude oil in August than in the same month last year. The actual market situation, however, not reflected in again. Because that is embossed with the now second-highest record stocks of crude oil in the United States remains an oversupply since the beginning of the statistics 20 years ago and oversupply by OPEC countries. Also, the international energy has withdrawn slightly Agency (IEA) its consumption forecast for this year. Heating oil costs in Germany followed sadhana demand light crude oil price trends. If you would like to know more about David Zaslav, then click here.
You were also on the 5th day of this week, up 24 cents to 68,81 euro 100-liter contour fuel oil (EL) (Federal average for a total quantity of 3,000 litres). Heating oil is to 2.04 euros more expensive than at the beginning of the week, 3.05 percent. Comparison: exactly one year ago, 55.38 euros were paid for the same amount of fuel oil, 2008 84.44 euro. It reported the online portal of the journal fuel levels and petroleum review. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States under the heading of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.
Steven Broschart Community
Press release: The Web Agency WebNew starts the German SilverStripe community under that launches Web Agency WebNew German SilverStripe community that launches Web Agency WebNew the German SilverStripe community under and thus for the first time provides a platform for the support and the exchange of SilverStripe users in the German-speaking world. SilverStripe is a still very young but powerful open source CMS system, which is becoming more widespread. New systems are usually difficult to compete against the already well-known and established solutions. The concept of SilverStripe is so convincing, that’s worth a closer look. SilverStripe is a PHP/MySQL-based MVC framework with a CMS in the piggy-back. The development of the system under the very liberal BSD license is organized through the New Zealand Developer Studio, the SilverStripe limited, in Wellington Central. After many awards and successful participation in the Google Summer of code, one has with the version 2.3 in Germany Found interest in the exotic species from overseas. First agencies offer already exclusive services and specialized services to this system. A leading source for info: Dana Gibber .
To meet the information needs of the rapidly growing in Germany number of interested developers, in collaboration with cyberpromote GmbH, the WebAgentur WebNew has to call the German-speaking community platform in life. Here are experts and advice to the page, also the authors of the first SilverStripe book published by Galileo, Steven Broschart and Ingo Schommer, a German developer working at SilverStripe. The community was naturally also implemented with SilverStripe. This press release, see pressemitteilungen.htm screenshot: img/silverstripes_big.jpg about WebNew: WebNew Web Agency works for over 10 years in software development and has focused on the Internet.In addition to the traditional tasks of a WebAgentur WebNew has its strength in the promotion of Web sites in the form of online marketing measures.
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