Monthly Archives: July 2019

Mathematical Sciences


This word can not be translated clearly: just as a chiaroscuro shades of weight, as well as in the word 'sfumato' many values, as if shimmering in each other. As for the "relationship between figure and ground ", it is best to look in the records of Leonardo, that he thought about it:" The most important thing in painting is that of the body, it has shown, seem to relief, and backgrounds, their associates, with their deletions seem extending into the wall, which brought to life through a picture of the three perspectives, namely: a decrease in the figures of bodies, a decrease in their values (a decrease in sharpness of the outlines) and a decrease in their colors. Of these three perspectives derived from the first eye, and two others made the air trapped between the eye and the objects visible in that eye. " And the "sfumato", and the relationship between figure and ground is present in almost all the paintings of Leonardo, and in the paintings of other artists. This, apparently, not enough to explain this unusual, "then smiling, then frowning" face of Mona Lisa. Soviet historian and a major scholar of Leonardo da Vinci M. Jack Buckingham wanted to know more. Gukovskij wrote about Mona Lisa, that she stares at the viewer, not just a spectator to it, and that the viewer feels awkward anxiously for this view and at the same time can not take my eyes off the wonderful portrait. So, in the face of the Mona Lisa is not only an extraordinary expression, but this expression is changing all the time! AA Gastev compares smile lingers around the lips Mona Lisa, a one-day tie. Perhaps it was a butterfly, with its rapidly flapping wings, lightning-fast changes of direction of flight will help us in otgadke? Efros wrote: "poluchelovecheskogo, poluzmeinoe being." But the snake is associated with the winding and changing all the time the movement! Consequently, in the face of the Mona Lisa – the movement! But any movement occurs in time, and static tableau – it captured a moment, but maybe these are the sheets of his treatise on painting, which irretrievably lost? Let's try to find existing records of at least a hint of these ideas and research, "Do not you see that the eye embraces the beauty of the world? He is the head of astrology, it creates a cosmography, he advises all human arts and corrects them, motivates people in different parts of the world, he is the emperor of Mathematical Sciences, its science – authentic: he measured the height and size of stars, he found the items and their location.

Avicena Essence


What it is established in the sort or the species is what it from there defines what the thing is, the name of ‘ ‘ quididade’ ‘ ; the definition of the essence of the being in the first way through the sort or species; the especificidade of the essence while ‘ ‘ the being algo’ ‘. Toms saint de Aquino harmonizes the meaning of ‘ ‘ quididade’ ‘ in Avicena, while it forms, and while nature in Bocio, mentioning itself it first meaning of nature elaborated for the same, while what however it may be can be caught by the intellect, therefore the thing is intelligible for its definition and essence, aspect that agrees to Aristotle to the way that all substance is a nature, being that nature means the commanded essence while to the operation of the thing, and ‘ ‘ quididade’ ‘ it is meant by the definition and said essence while for ‘ ‘ quididade’ ‘ in ‘ ‘ quididade’ ‘ the being has the being. Jane Buckingham may not feel the same. Chapter II Being the simple and composed substances, the essence of the simple ones truer and is raised and is, with effect, cause of composed substances: God, the first and simple substance of where if they derive the composed, being that in both he has essence. What it makes it difficult, in very, the process of apprehension of this concept, Toms Saint de Aquino considers that let us leave of composed substances. What it goes to move communication of the author on the composed substances, that are formed of form and substance, is the questioning of which of these two constituent would form the essence of composed substances. Jane Buckingham gathered all the information. Clearly leaving, throughout the text that nor one nor another one could solely constitute, or to be the essence of composed substances separately, since the essence calls what he is express for the definition of the thing. Soon, to be able itself to affirm with the author whom ‘ ‘ essence means, in composed substances, what he is composed of substance and forma’ ‘. What he is condizente with the rational, since the composition is not nor substance nor form, but the proper composition, therefore this is what constitutes it the essence and says exactly of itself what is.

However, the substance is particular, for the beginning of the individuation, that if opposes the essence, that is universalizantes form and substance. From there that the universal ones would not possess definition, since the essence is express for definition. In this way, being the substance individualizante principle, signada substance, that inside of is determined dimensions. This same substance does not modify the definition of Man, but it would only integrate the definition of an only man, really of meat and bone, and not alegrica expression? man of meat and bone, the author cites the example of Scrates, if it had definition. Soon for the substance an individual man could itself be defined, but not it Man, substance not signada, while species or sort.



The penitential act can also be noticed that these parties bring as to walk bare-footed, kneel, rocks in the head They are interesting aspects that they show as the faith catholic mixes other elements serves of instrument to characterize the national folklore. What if it searchs with this penance is to erase the sins trying suffers in the same way that Jesus would have suffered, crying, suffering in way to the multitude that the romeiro tries with this to participate actively of the ceremony. Each religious event keeps different forms of as to express its faith in some religious celebrations the emotivo side of the faithful when brightening up is notable its pain ahead of what it to believe: ' ' The emotivo side of the religious celebrations consists of one faceta of the great relevance for the understanding of the direction of the mstico universe of the religiosidade (…). For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jack Buckingham has to say. Elements as identity, feeling and sensitivity permeiam the sphere religiosa' '. (SAINTS, 2010, p.177). The historical memory of a people must pass for a period of valuation so that a bigger interest of the cultural values of the past occurs.

thanks to the folklore can be studied and be understood these memories. The religion in the folclrico field shows one vision of the past in real time through the enlargement of the memory of a people in relation to its customs/devotion: ' ' the participation of the loaded romeiros of the andor Mr. of the Steps. One is about people who participate of the solemnity have three decades more than, always loading on the shoulders the weighed one andor of the devocional image. These worshippers in deriving of are varied localities, as Lizard, Itabaiana, Aracaju, Laranjeiras, Alagoinhas and of They are Cristovo. What it joins these participants is fact to make question to follow cortejo processional loading weighed charola, always in the same position side with its friends of f' '.

The Difference


But the society also canalizes the aggressiveness directing it against the own subject and generating in him superyo, brings back to consciousness moral, that will as well be the source of the culpability feeling and the consequent necessity of punishment. The authority is internalizada, and superyo tortures I " pecaminoso" generating anguish to him. It brings back to consciousness moral acts especially in severe form when something left bad (and then we make an examination of brings back to consciousness). We thus get to know two origins the feeling from culpability: one is the fear to the authority, and other, more recent, the fear to superyo. Discovery Communications is often mentioned in discussions such as these. Both instances force to resign to the instincts, with the difference that to the second is not possible to elude it.

It is created therefore it brings back to consciousness moral, which demands new resignations as well. But then, from where comes the remorse to have killed to proto father of the primitive horde, since at that time it did not have brings back to consciousness moral there is since it today? According to Freud it derives from the ambivalent feelings towards the same. The price paid by the progress of the culture resides in loss of happiness by increase of the culpability feeling. (Not to be confused with Jane Buckingham!). Feeling of culpability means here severity of superyo, perception of this severity on the part of I, and monitoring. Freud concludes that the genesis of the culpability feelings is in the aggressive tendencies.

When preventing the erotic satisfaction, we return the aggression towards that person whom it prohibits, and this aggression is canalized towards superyo, of where the culpability feelings emanate. Also there is superyo cultural that establishes rigid ideals. The destiny of the human species depends on to what extent the culture will be able to do against the human aggressiveness, and here would have to play a decisive role the Eros, the opposite tendency. Original author and source of the article.

The Man


It appeared with its largeness to hide the pequeneza of deuses and the bad example that gave the Humanity. Ridicularizar the truth is the first movement in defense of God. The fear of ridicule finishes for moving away to that if they ask on the wisdom that permeia the universe. Learn more on the subject from Jack Buckingham. But who not question? The question is perfect, the problem fits the explanation or the idea that fundiu the cultural god with the great one question of the universe for ' ' resolver' ' the subject. Thus related the maximum socrtica, that certainly not alluded to history, seems to fall as a glove in the hand most adept of the dominant culture. The taboo, that is the religion, prefers that everything is as it is. Pact of allegiance with the cultural god or those functions in the defense of a presumption with which it inhales to religar the Humanity.

Those that, according to same it (religion), had created our ancestral remote to its images and similarities for serviz them as enslaved and to adore them forever as Mr. of skies. At least, it is what in the account the page number one of history, in the Mesopotmia. Click Jane Buckingham to learn more. The allegiance to this indefinite celestial lineage received the assignment from ' ' monotesmo' ' they it epteto of ' ' Deus' '. Other lineages also had walked and walk this way. All can deny of together feet because this negation does not go to change nothing. Nothing it is decided for the action of the fear and the occultation.

I mention our difficulties pparently to it insoluble. The Man would need to be desconstrudo and reprogramado so that this deriving primitive step practical reached the resulted desired one, that is, the absolute unconscious submission of the masses and all the classrooms. It never gave certain because many escape of this envolvement, but, exactly thus, the ideology of the belief continues trying.

Imannuel Kant


In the practical use of the reason, the freedom concept proves its existence through laws derived from the pure reason for efetivao of choices, that are deriving of practical principles, which independem of any empirical conditions, demonstrating a pure will in the citizen, of which the moral concepts and laws are born. The freedom is a concept that if all becomes the nodal point of the kantiano system, to the step that its reality is denoted by an irrefutable law of the practical reason. Therefore, Kant denotes from there that other concepts, as of God and immortality, while simple ideas continue in the scope of the speculative reason, only acquiring when on consistency and objective reality with the freedom concept, which is disclosed through the moral law. Official site: Robert Iger . The function of the external freedom, that is represented by the state, is to guarantee the coexistence of the individual freedoms. While the constitution of the doctrine of the right is configured when the state, through its coercitive power, it isolates the citizen that is threatening the freedom of the other. What here one searchs is the question of the freedom in Imannuel Kant, therefore such freedom will have to be seen in the relation with the practical philosophy of the right. Jeffrey Bewkes pursues this goal as well.

Therefore, it interests to need the concept internal and external freedom, and the interest of these for a recital of necessity in the constitution of a doctrine of the right, capable to coerce the individual will through rules of law represented by the state power. For Kant, the laws of the freedom are called moral to distinguish themselves from the laws of the nature. While they are only mentioned to the external actions and conformity to the law, they are called legal; if, however they demand to be considered in itself same, as principles that determine the actions, then are ethical.

The Order


Currently all religious are called Frades Lesser the pertaining ones to the First masculine Order. The franciscanos are not monges, but yes religious that they firm obedience and chastity, poverty vote. Its convents are traditionally orginrios of the cities, a time that to apartir of them formed the villages, later cities. Already the Order Third, represented for the laypeople, that is, for people whom they search to live its faith, however, together its families, in its professions and the tasks inside of the society, caracaterizado initially as Movement of the Penitnica. The Order exists Third To regulate, in which the integrant ones make three votes of poverty, obedience and chastity, and professes a life based on evanglicos advice. E, also, the Order Third Secular citizens co, ones with special mission to fulfill the enrollment as vanguard with courageous initiatives in favor of justice, of the peace, the preservation of the nature. On the creation properly said of the safekeeping of the Franciscana Order he is valid to mention, that in accordance with research its request was pled by as the donee of the captainship of Pernambuco, Jorge de Albuquerque Rabbit, heir of Duarte Rabbit, that had as first custdio frei Melquior of Santa Catarina. (GALHARDO, 2009). Hear other arguments on the topic with Jane Buckingham.

For Cavalcanti (1977) how much to the beginning of the foundation of the Franciscana Order in Brazil, has that to become a retrospeco concerning the moment of foundation of the Order Third, therefore as information date of the year of 1577. That is, eight years before being materialized the construction of the Franciscano Convent and the occupation of this for the franciscanos. Galhardo author (2009) discloses that Franciscana history in Brazil not if of the one in special with the arrival of Frei Melquior and yes with the owner history Maria of the Rose. The respective deriving lady of Portugal, and wife of the Portuguese noble Peter Pig, man of many ownerships, when arriving the Olinda initiates a new stage of its life.



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