Monthly Archives: December 2018

Travel To Morocco


Morocco, the westernmost country of the Maghreb and also the most exotic, is there, just a stone’s throw from Europe. An extensive network of motorways connect anywhere in the old continent with such small maritime passage that opens the box of wonders. Sometimes real, uncontaminated exoticism. The fascination of a world that moves to strokes of a tradition that comes from a culture foreign to who come from the North. The internal contradiction that involve his attempts to modernize. Its landscape splendid, as diverse times as its inhabitants, as the people that shaped him. Cities, towns, villages. Glories of Islam, along with tiny populations in the minimum level of subsistence.

A human mosaic which remains attached by own circus tightrope. Berber, Arabs, beings originating in the Mediterranean area that once in awhile, came here and stayed here. The first University in the world and people who never saw a written paper. Mountains, gorges, rivers, desert, sand and stone, endless beaches, mar bravo and calm waters, Nevis and scorching sun. And all, in a manageable area, an affordable surface, human. But discover Morocco, the real Morocco, isn’t easy. As almost always happens: the traveler who landed their illusions in the country, doing well through a trip organized, either in solo, but always fearful of discovery, always carried away others, topical image ideas, allowing a few spaces to the imagination. And Morocco requires dedication, effort, leaving the conventional, to understand it, to love it, to simply detect the magic that contains.

Hence the car. Because there are places, environments, situations, which only are accessible from the freedom afforded to navigate on their own. And if that vehicle is able to move us beyond the limits imposed by the asphalt, we will reach the fullness, the unique possibility to know what others will only be able to Intuit. Original author and article source

Teide National Park


When making tourist reservations for the Canary, usually the doubts about what the whole island visit first. In that sense, nature lovers and mountain sports should take into account that the island of Tenerife is home to the highest peak of all Spain. 3718 Meters. tall, imposing Mount Teide haunts from its imposing grandeur, and lends its name to a national park with many other wonders to be discovered. The oldest of the national parks of the Canary Islands offers Moreover a volcanic landscape extraordinary, of incredible beauty. The same Teide, declared patrimony of humanity, still shows remnants of volcanic activity. Tangled network of lava flows of lava and volcanic domes and cones and mysterious caves invite you to lose yourself in a festival of colors and fanciful shapes, which shelters to turn a rich reserve of fauna and flora. Some of the species that live there are exclusive of the island, such as Edelweiss Teide, which is found only from the 3500 meters.

height, or fragile violets and the Teide silver Thistles. This species, which is extremely fragile, still stands, despite the care they receive, in danger of extinction. Ascend to the peak of Mount Teide is an unforgettable experience, and longed to quotas to form part of climbing expeditions organized by the National Park have been exhausted at the speed of lightning. To avoid disappointment, it is essential to check the availability of places during our vacation dates, for so the corresponding reserve online. Another strong point of the island of Tenerife is that, by its reduced surface none of its numerous attractions will be never more than one hour away from the place where we are standing.

By this, it is very simple to make a hotel reservation at Tenerife tailored to our needs, as we want to stay in a cheap hotel, a Center with sea spa or rural accommodation. And always have the peace of mind that the chosen accommodation will be away from the main points of tourist interest. Tenerife is an ideal destination to familiarize yourself with the booking online, and adopt system well this convenient and effective method of planning our vacations and Getaways. That in this land where it’s always spring, it result, without a doubt, completely unforgettable.

CervicoFacial Pathology


Seville will host the Congress of the society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial pathology of 2014 El Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Seville (Fibes), will be the stage of the 65 th Edition of the National Congress of the Spanish society of Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial pathology (SEORL-PCF), which will be held in 2014. The award of the headquarters was conducted in the city of Valencia during the celebration of the sixty-first Congress national of the SEORL-PCF which the Palace of congresses in Seville has been present to support physician-prescribing and leader of the bid, doctor Serafin Sanchez, Chief of Otolaryngology service of Hospital Universitario Virgen Macarena of Sevilla and vocal by Seville of the Andalusian society of Otolaryngology and Facial Cervical Pathology (SoRLA). Our hotels in Seville, Monte Carmelo and Monte Triana, will have arrived when, an offer for delegates and attendees at this important scientific medical event. The National Congress of the SEORL-PCF is held annually, in odd-numbered years in Madrid and the even-numbered years to develop in the city chosen by the partners, through voting. This important Conference will feature the participation of between 1,500 and 1,700 specialists in Otolaryngology and a large exhibition area, being necessary to emphasize the participation of approximately 50 commercial firms, which highlights the importance and dimensions of this event. User reviews of restaurant Terra Sana in Forum Montecarmelo @ restaurant Terra Sana Madrid Montecarmelo boot fair Expopyme in the Palace of congresses in Seville Seville network swords shows its support to the Sicab and the Comic encounter Seville network man was born with ten pockets..

New: MBA Sports Management Starting In The Winter Semester!


With the ‘ MBA sports management’ graduates to responsible, strategic and operational management tasks in the sports business are prepared. For the winter semester 2009/2010 University of applied sciences Schmalkalden in collaboration with the IST-Studieninstitut offers for the first time the in-service degree sport management (MBA) “on.” This 5-semester MBA program is based on the professional practice of the industry and has been designed as a distance learning with integrated presence phases that work and study can be perfectly compatible. Among the first students, a scholarship is also awarded by the IST-Studieninstitut! Content of the General management to be taught in the first two semesters. In the third and fourth semesters is the specialization in the field of sports management. Individual majors are E.g.

Association – Association Management, sports facility planning and financing or even sports marketing and sponsorship. The curriculum of this MBA program is characterized by a consistent focus on the requirements of the practice. So expand the participants in the program through practical projects, project work, case studies and attendance phases, as well as the to pass in the fifth semester Master thesis, their competences in the area of analytical skills and strategic problem solving. At the first start of this new, high-quality MBA programme there is a special highlight: under all applicants and applicants that their enrollment documents for the MBA course have submitted the 01 of July, will be awarded a full scholarship from the IST-Studieninstitut! A variety of sports or sports-economic courses in the College landscape has emerged in the past 15 years. With the first MBA program in sports management in Germany, University of applied sciences Schmalkalden offers the possibility to specialize or to position themselves better in the labour market the numerous graduates and graduates of this degree.

Also graduates and graduates of other disciplines can qualify through to the in-service distance education for leadership positions in the sports business. The students benefit from the competence network between University of applied sciences Schmalkalden innovative representative of the science and the IST-Studieninstitut as a renowned provider of certified distance learning courses in the field of sport & management”.

Flexibly Integrated Electronic Signature


fideAS sign 2.0 also communications signed a new version of their signature solution fideAS sign has applied security GmbH in early June unveiled. With significantly extended functionality, the software now allows the integration of digital signatures in a variety of other applications. In version 2.0, the signature solution in the future has a number of additional features. Thus, it has received not only a different user interface, but also a completely new program design. Future communications and E-Mail attachments can be fitted thus files also according to the SOAP (simple object access protocol) standard with a digital signature.

These improvements a new route concept that underlies fideAS sign 2.0 were possible. To the user defines the respective beginning and endpoints of a processing line. It establishes, where are located the original data and in what form they provided is to be used with electronic signature. With version 2.0, the data must now couldn’t get it out Come and again placed in these directories. Possible signature lines are also emails or SOAP connections into consideration. With this concept, fideAS sign provides a convenient solution for various application scenarios. So you can integrate digital signatures easily in applications central for the business process. Where so far in several stages first files had to be digitally signed and then sent by E-Mail to the intended recipient, fideAS sign done fully automatically via a mail route.

That much easier, for example, the creation and sending of electronic invoices. Thus, the entire work process is significantly more profitable. The comfortable control of the digital workflow is one of the capabilities of the new version of fideAS sign. This processes can now simply be managed on the intranet. The automatic signature of each processing step via a SOAP-route across then ensures the full traceability of every single action. Not only visually is a profit the new user interface. You integrated the entire functional scope of fideAS sign into a Web tool and makes even more pleasant and cleaner to work. Who wants to get a first impression of the enhanced functionality and improved clarity, can download sign in the download section of the apsec website a free demo version of the new fideAS.