Monthly Archives: December 2017

National Policy


Prelector: Antnio superintendent Pablo Commander of 5 Division of National Policy p Kilamba-Kiaxi 10H10- the youthful and cultural associativismo as one form of combat to the fenmeno the local level vision and expectations. Prelector: Head of the Municipal Section of the Culture, Youth and Sports of the Young Kilamba-Kiaxi 10H50- of today, adults of tomorrow what they think oldest? reading of letters, depositions and interviews of Traditional Authorities. Responsible: ORION (projeco in screen of trade bills of the televising program Angola in Movement) 11H00- Debate. Moderator: Mr. Daniel Luciano Muondo Social and Coordinating Assistant of the Municipal Net of Proteco the Child of the Kilamba-Kiaxi 11H40- Coktail (meal) 2 PANEL the challenges of the current Angolan governao in the context of youth. 12H00- the educative reform before fenmeno- abilities and limits of the current educative system. Prelector: Dr.

Filipe Zau Ph.d in Sciences of Education, Master in Intercultural Relations and Assessor of the Minister of the Education 12H40- a vision on the new constitution and youth the consecrated politics the inclusion of the young in the public life. Prelector: Dr. Manuel Joo Young chicken Member of the house of representatives and Winner of the Prize Young Angola 2009 13H20- Debate. Moderator: Municipal chairman of the board of the Youth of the Kilamba-Kiaxi 14H00- Session of Closing: Approval of the Report of the Conference? Delivery of Diplomas to the participants? Message of gratefulness of the organization of the Conference? Message of the Administration of the City of Kilamba-Kiaxi? Message of Closing of Its Excellency Sir President of 6 Commission of National Assembly p Education, Culture, Youth, Sports, Social Communication and Religious Subjects. NUCLEUS OF FRIENDS OF THE KILAMBA-KIAXI, IN LUANDA, TO THE 28 OF JUNE OF 2010. Intently the Coordination-generality of the Intermunicipal Conference on the Delinquncia Infanto-Youthful Dionsio Alfredo Vunda Halata

House Raffles

by House Raffles gives more importance of Vienna, March 10, 2009 – the real estate portal offers slogans, such as Commission-free in its ads, the ability”to highlight. Now an own label House Raffles was introduced to meet the boom of House raffles. Free, private as well as commercial advertisers can adjust your objects under. Of course, also looking at and contacting the advertisers are free of charge. Other features of the portal are an automatic integration of maps, as well as clearly verlinkbare article, i.e. the advertisers in their emails or on their homepage can refer directly to your expose on Requests can be written easily in the contact form of the respective object and the objects are directly, quoting the reference number, transmitted to the respective advertisers.

A forum was established to facilitate communication between housing providers and seekers, by you, without registering, as well as Searches also General real estate can ask on the subject. This in turn provides the professional brokers to shine the opportunity with your expert knowledge and thereby to gain a trusted image among potential customers. To the launch of the portal operators giving away under the first 50 advertisers a NAVIGON Starter roof navigation system valued at approx. 100,-operator of the real estate portal is the digitization business Plan2Cad that clearly enticing vigorously his efforts to the target group of the real estate industry thus. According to owner Andreas Janisch, the portal should remain free until further notice.

With the registry in any case is no contractual obligation and a deletion of the account is possible at any time without any problems. Disinterestedly the portal for the operators might not be but trying to extend this activity, his service to the construction of expose plans for real estate, because according to the recent press releases of the company. The portal is to serve, to make known the potential customer to the brand. About Plan2Cad: Plan2Cad digitization INH. Andreas Janisch – headquartered in Vienna specializes in the digitization of stock plans of all kinds for architects and planners. In addition performs the company 3D virtualization for preliminary design and design, as well as for sale. Currently, the company is expanding its activities and offers services for the real estate industry. The offer by Plan2Cad is large companies interested in outsourcing, as well as German-speaking at smaller companies in the whole.