Favorite decor – vertical bar, which is used in upholstery, decoration of walls and other English style expressed in our time as a direct copy of its historical varieties (Victorian style chippendel, Sheraton), so and eclectic solution. An eclectic line of organically includes the spirit and characteristics of different epochs. Furniture in the English style is going out of the array, which undergoes minimal surface finish: rubbed waxed or varnished. This allows us to show the texture of wood in all its glory. The main principle: the rich and restrained. English interior – is primarily the realm of natural wood, so if you decide to register your house in classic English style, prepare to serious spending.
It is desirable that wood there was everything: the carved oak paneling on the walls, inlaid oak parquet floor, open rafters carved dark wood on the ceiling. And, Of course, traditional furniture from solid wood (oak, walnut or yew) in the style of the famous English master Thomas Chippendale: a sort of "quilted" studs and curved legs. All surfaces must be perfectly processed, and if necessary, subjected to "aging effect" (to believe, like the furniture you inherited from your praprababushki). Since the English furniture, as well as English, wooden cornices and panels – on definition of old things, not bad, if they are carved or inlaid. Perhaps the most recognizable and characteristic element of English architecture is the fireplace – a huge, reaching almost to the ceiling, lined with tiles or natural stone, always with dark wood mantel and a hanger for accessories (brass tongs, poker, etc.). Therefore, when planning to remake his apartment under the "good old England", in First of all, think about where you can post if not a real fireplace (which is quite difficult in multi-family homes), then at least an electric or (in extreme cases) false-fireplace.
If you settle in English-style country house, in addition to the fire to advance to schedule a wide staircase leading from the living room on the second floor, which, at least, is decorated with carved wooden railings, and sometimes sculptures. English Spacious living-room, which is lower by a third clad with wooden panels above are the wallpaper with small floral or geometric pattern (eg, ornamental style of "Liberty", invented by William Morris), above – ceiling moldings and chandeliers with crystal pendants. On the walls hung a mandatory oil paintings (mostly – landscapes or portraits of ancestors), watercolors, prints or artistic tapestries, as well as weapons and hunting trophies. No modern technology in mind – everything is hidden inside cabinets, drawers, cupboards, slides, etc. Over the glass doors – the family antiques, expensive crockery, cutlery, silverware, real china. On mantel shelf – antique clock with cupids, and pictures of ancestors in frames-stands. In the center of the room should be round or oval dining table surrounded by chairs. On the windows – double layer curtains lambrequins. In tissues used the same principle: self-restraint and naturalness. If the colors – the pastels (white, beige, light gray, etc.), if the picture – something small and inconspicuous. Classics of the genre is calico flowered and tapestry. In tone matched the curtains, pillows, tablecloths, bedspreads, lampshades and traditional desk lamps to light a ceramic base.